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ferret maybe preg

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never breed ferrets before but noticed that my jill (dont know the right word so bare with) fud lol is swollen and she is putting on weight dont know if she is coming into season or pregnant?



as i said never intended on breeding them but ohwell




any help would be great


atb shaun :thumbs:

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if she is with a hob i suspect she prob is.as for the vulva being swollen thats her in season so depending on the size of vulva you might have still a chance to remove her if you dont want kits.im hoping the latter as i think you maybe should learn more before taking on kits.btw mate i dont mean that as putting you down just a bit friendly advice

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yeah they have been seperated now

no wurries i wasnt really wanting to line her but just noticed it there when cleaning the cage


yeah the fur on the back is rather tatty :thumbdown: not heard any screaming ither shed is a bit away from my house so dont think i would hear it anyway


will keep an eye on her anyway cheers lads




atb shaun :thumbs:

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just phoned the lad a got her off and he said she dosnt look after them so if she dosent i am goin to put another young jill with a litter in to see if that will work




and before you try and slag me sayin this wont work i have seen it work as my mate breed a litter and the jill wont look after them so the kit got left with another jill and put it in with another litter of kits and it was raised





both good working ferrets so if intrested pm me and i will let you know how the litter gets on



atb shaun :thumbs:

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What the hell is wrong with people ????? you allow a jill to get pregnant then find out she has previously neglected a litter or litters ......... talk about irresponsible

This is why the rescues are full to the rafters because of people who dont know what the hell there doing


I rarely sound off on here at folks but when i read dross like this i shake my head in disbelief .. so the solution is to find another jill with a litter or breed one just in case ... total madness & disregard for the animals being used :( :(

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