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bull crosses

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i also don't think much to bull xs especially one that throw to the bull side i have seen a few descent but apart from fox what else are they good for not much in my opinion as a single handed huntin

well lets be honest a good bull x wont drop a fox when taking a bite they heel faster they try harder and a lot of lads like a bait up wich most bull x's would be happy to take part in true bull x men

if you want to kill a few fox a night then the the bull x is sound i see bull x's that do bunny's but what i'm saying is if you was hunting say first light for food so running the odd bunny hare and d

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At the end of the day there is shit bull xs, shit saluki xs, shit collie xs. shit beddy xs shit all cross. So basically all xs are shit. We should all just jack the dogs in and spend the rest of our time wanking to horse porn and all live happily ever after. Amen.

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a all rounder mate 2 me it got 2 do it all its not a all rounder if it just does rabbits!!! if it just does rabbits its a rabbiting dog simple as that im was just saying bullxs and wheatonxs make better all rounders they will do it all1!!! thats just my appnion mate atb kris

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At the end of the day there is shit bull xs, shit saluki xs, shit collie xs. shit beddy xs shit all cross. So basically all xs are shit. We should all just jack the dogs in and spend the rest of our time wanking to horse porn and all live happily ever after. Amen.

:11: :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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