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whats cheaper

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The cost???? surley it depends on what you want from you hob if he just a pet then get him castrated if he is to take your jills out of season then he will need to have a vasectomy done the cost dont vary that much in some vets it might cost as little as £5 extra my vet charge £54 for castration and £61 to vasectomise.

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The cost???? surley it depends on what you want from you hob if he just a pet then get him castrated if he is to take your jills out of season then he will need to have a vasectomy done the cost dont vary that much in some vets it might cost as little as £5 extra my vet charge £54 for castration and £61 to vasectomise.

its just that I was thinking of working to hobs

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The cost???? surley it depends on what you want from you hob if he just a pet then get him castrated if he is to take your jills out of season then he will need to have a vasectomy done the cost dont vary that much in some vets it might cost as little as £5 extra my vet charge £54 for castration and £61 to vasectomise.

its just that I was thinking of working to hobs

then best get the neutered as they might still fight if they think they are entire.

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If its only for working why get anything done to them at all



Not for the first time I have to agree with "The one".yes.gif


A mate of mine kept 3 hobs together and hadn't a bit of bother.

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If its only for working why get anything done to them at all



Not for the first time I have to agree with "The one".yes.gif


A mate of mine kept 3 hobs together and hadn't a bit of bother.

this is what you risk if you keep entire hobs together.


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You can also get that with hobs and jills if you dont watch them

never known it with hobs and jills in my coming upto 25 yrs of keeping ferrets,if you have had this then i would think you dont separate your hobs and jills quick enough after breeding, or don't pay them enough attention to see thet they dont get on and are fighting and should be separated.

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Some folk put the jills in and forget about them a weeks far to long in with a hob i always say if hes marking her get her out or thats going to be the result

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You can also get that with hobs and jills if you dont watch them

never known it with hobs and jills in my coming upto 25 yrs of keeping ferrets,if you have had this then i would think you dont separate your hobs and jills quick enough after breeding, or don't pay them enough attention to see thet they dont get on and are fighting and should be separated.



This will be a first for you then Wullie,- I once saw a jill which had been scalped by a hob, that's no word of a lie. The jill had been in with the hob for less than a day and when they were first introduced to each other there was no hint of what was to follow. It was 3 days after the incident when I saw the jill [she belonged to a mate] and the word scalped described it to a T.


So it goes to show that although we might have had ferrets for 25, 30, or even 40 years and just because we say we have never heard of or seen certain things happen doesn't mean they haven't or can't. All we can do is give our opinions based on the knowledge gained from our experiences with ferrets we've kept over the years.thumbs.gif

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