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austrailian cattle dog x greyhound ?

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not strictly acd but this mags my kelpie x grew






these were taken a couple of months ago she is 11 months now and coming on a treat very hyper and full on little dog i wouldnt reccomend this hybrid as a first lurcher she has been harder work than past collie xs ive had, ive even started agility training to keep the little swine occupied.


very headstrong but huge work drive and not brilliant with strangers dogs or people, gets there eventually but ive really had to work to socialise her

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not strictly acd but this mags my kelpie x grew






these were taken a couple of months ago she is 11 months now and coming on a treat very hyper and full on little dog i wouldnt reccomend this hybrid as a first lurcher she has been harder work than past collie xs ive had, ive even started agility training to keep the little swine occupied.


very headstrong but huge work drive and not brilliant with strangers dogs or people, gets there eventually but ive really had to work to socialise her


Spot on, i had one the same way bred, and just as you very sharp with people+dogs. To sharp,not keen on my wife+son :wallbash: Brill with me, but nobody else.? Prob the border colliex grey, might be that bit easier to handle :thumbs: , if you can gey a good one. :hmm:

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not strictly acd but this mags my kelpie x grew






these were taken a couple of months ago she is 11 months now and coming on a treat very hyper and full on little dog i wouldnt reccomend this hybrid as a first lurcher she has been harder work than past collie xs ive had, ive even started agility training to keep the little swine occupied.


very headstrong but huge work drive and not brilliant with strangers dogs or people, gets there eventually but ive really had to work to socialise her


Spot on, i had one the same way bred, and just as you very sharp with people+dogs. To sharp,not keen on my wife+son :wallbash: Brill with me, but nobody else.? Prob the border colliex grey, might be that bit easier to handle :thumbs: , if you can gey a good one. :hmm:

hi mt cheers for the information. i will take your advice on board.i hav a first cross whippet xgreyhound i am just thinking [bANNED TEXT] t put to her she is very fast and 23inch in height and very well bread.thanks

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heres a few pics.


asme 9

nice pics mt thanks.[bANNED TEXT] are they like for lamping dogs ?and wots they coat like


my own bitch has a short but dence coat,its a pain in summer when she molting,takes an age to strip out the old coat.



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the 3/4 greyhound 1/4 cattle dog is a good cross my mate had one years ago it had more stamina compared to his 3/4 grey 1/4 collie :thumbs:

hi mt went and seen a first cross cattle dog the other day it was very well trained and the lad said they are 1 to 1 dog but they put every effort in to [bANNED TEXT] they catch. im think of linning my whippxgrey bitch .which she is very well bred and a good lamper.any more imformation would help cheers bandy

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