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Bye Bye Magpie

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Every morning at about 6.30am I get woken up by the sound of magpies clacking like mad and the terrified chirping of baby birds in the tree down the bottom of my garden. So, I usually get up, grab the air rifle and go downstairs to see if I can get a safe shot off. But, the magpies seem to know their stuff as they always stay in the branches where they know I wont take the shot because it isnt safe. The other day, there were 4 magpies all jumping around trying to get to this poor birds nest.


Anyway. This morning, same thing happened, but I looked and didnt see any magpies around. So, downstairs, having my breakfast in my kitchen and out of the corner of my eye see a flash of black / white go into the tree. Hmm... so i grab my air rifle and get it ready near the door in the kitchen. I finish my breakfast, one eye on the tree and no sign of any magpies..... maybe i had imagined it. So, make myself a nice cup of tea... 2 sips and this massive magpie drops out of the tree and lands near the base of the tree. In the exact 35yard spot where i had zeroed my s410 last weekend, and in front of the tree base, so a nice safe back stop. I nearly spurted my tea all over the floor! Surely this was going to be too good to be true. Normally they fly off before ive had chance to even reach for the gun.


So, I grab the gun as quickly as I can without moving too suddenly. Slowly open the back door. Magpie is still standing at the bottom of the tree. I go for a prone position as I know im more accurate then. Aim at his head... start breathing really slowly. Surely he will fly before I can get a shot off. Gently pull the trigger... and bang...



And....... bingo! What a result. Perfect head shot, 35 yards, down he goes.



Normally other magpies go ape and come flocking in, so i left him there for 5 or 10 mins, but no sign of any others, which was s shame... would have been good to get a few more.


Another example of how patience finally pays off!!!! :)

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Good stuff! :good:


While I respect and admire the magpie for it's intelligence, cunning and plain sheer cheekiness about the place, I admire anyone who culls one of the nest robbing, dirty, noisy b*****ds a whole lot more! :clapper:

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I wish the pigeons were as easy atm. There have been 2 massive ones loitering about my garden recently, but never land where I can get a safe shot off. Yesterday evening they sat on the neighbours garage staring at me. Then as if to take the mickey out of me they started sh*gging!!! Well... it lasted about 3 seconds, then they both sat there exhausted and didnt move for 15minutes! Talk about an easy shot, if only they hadnt been on the neighbours garage. Sigh.....

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hi jack

i have the same problem! but the tree is in my neighbors! garden

and i was watching them mthe other day,and i tinks that they have there young in the tree .because there was a cat in the tree trying to get to what ever was in there!


and the magpies were going mad!next time i see it ! i will try and video it.thats if i havent shot them by then .but must ask the neighbours :thumbs:


and they av me up too! bloody early





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