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My old grandad always said ` Never eat anything that eats sh.t` I would agree with that.



Bet you eat Bunnies dont yah?


Did you know that bunnies eat their own droppings when the weather is very bad for example if the snow is too deep for them to leave the warrens or dig to food and they cant access other supplies? or draught destroys their food supply?

Thats also true :yes:



Edited by Phantom
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The Cod in Mablethorpe feed at the sewerage outfalls, but I still eat fish n chips when I visit the resort, and pigs must eat at least some of their own shit, if even only by accident, and I find it hard to turn down a bacon butty :D

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The Cod in Mablethorpe feed at the sewerage outfalls, but I still eat fish n chips when I visit the resort, and pigs must eat at least some of their own shit, if even only by accident, and I find it hard to turn down a bacon butty :D



Hi Stealthy.


I know what you mean about the Cod and the sewerage outfall's, doesn't put me off either mate, I do like a nice piece of Cod, much batter than pollock :D





Yep, your right, I sang it all the way through, and now can not get it out of my mind.......cant thank you enough mate :tongue2::D....the worrying thing is.....Lorraine is joining in with the chorus :doh:

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