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It's easy...the party that repeals fox hunting, the hand gun ban, automatic firearms, sorts out the economy and lowers taxes, increases pensions, improves the NHS..................................!!


Now then... where is that on the ballot paper????? :whistling::hmm::hmm:

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To be honest I dont think any the parties give a toss about fieldsports ,we are a minority we dont have that much voting power .

The past has proved yet again that polititions cannot be trusted , the majority are public school boys out to have a good old jolly on the backs of the working classes .

I think whoever is elected will pander to the mummsy poh poh idea that the vast majority of people have OF THE COUNTRYSIDE , so country ways and our sports come way down the list .

Unfortunately the lah lah land majority will decide.


I think ill shut up now im geting myself depressed.(NO ONLY JOKING IM NOT DEPRESSED SEE : SAVING FAC SMILE D :D:D:D:D:D

When cometh the revolution :drink:

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Personally i think they are all as bad as each other - at least the main parties are. They will 9 times out of 10 once they are in power, try and go for the easy options to win public support - like knee jerk reactions to gun shootings etc... Then once a new party comes in they are not likely to revoke previous stuff as it will cause bad publicity to them. So there is no way the legislation which has been put in place will be revoked no matter now stupid it is.

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As you councilors, what they think

see here http://www.basc.org.uk/ clik election 2010, see you area, see you candidate, send e-mail. I get reply in 48 hour. It seem bnp & lib dem ok.


you ask. But no forget, do not waste or forget vote !! :thumbs: is very importan.


put name of town here , clik for e-mail you mp



Edited by clint
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I find this a tough one. It was after all the tories who banned handguns and also high capacity shotguns and semi auto rifles I think. I hate to say it but what have labour messed up so badly? This recession hasn't been half as bad as the one back when the tories were in power!


The BNP have some good ideas but they are near on extremists! I like my curries, and englishmen can't cook curry! :clapper:

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