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Abnormal from this morning.

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Here are a few pics of an abmormal buck we shot this morning. It had a growth bigger than a golf ball on the front of the coronets. It was hard in some places and shell like in others with dried up blood on the inside.










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an excellant cull there mate,well done :notworthy::notworthy:


do you think its a result of an injury while in velvet or a fungal infection?(they call it "strahlen pilz" pilz in germany,its usaually a porus growth of bone.i have necer seen one there though only ever on the jaw).


youhave definately done him a service,he would have suffered horribly either from infestation,infection or in the rut.


good pics too :thumbs:



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that looks like an injury while in velvet to me,the start of what the germans call a "wig buck"(peruecken bock) and he was lucky to have shed the velvet at all before being unable to see. it looks like he has burst the calcification while shedding.

an excellant cull bud :notworthy:



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The buck was in good condition with a weight of 19kg head and legs off. The stalker showed the head to an ex government vet and he called it an "oclusion" caused by an injury/infection during velvet developement. I've seen freak heads due to velvet damage before but nothing like this.




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John i think the reason is any one can shoot a good six pointer and most will shoot a trophy in the life but the freaks are unique.


I have shot two medals this year so far and haven't even got them measured but i would be please with a head that was different we don't get many real freaks heads were i am .

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