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any ideas?

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can take 2 weeks to go down any ideas on this ??? i lined 2 jills and swelling went down 2 weeks ago and i check them [bANNED TEXT] and 1 jill as cum back in and swelled back up i ad to put mi hob back in with the jills last night as i rescued a hob

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cheers lads. theres no bruising and my jill doesnt have a markon her. its my first crack at breeding and to be honest all the books i have read are shit when it comes to knowing wether the jill has taken or not.

i was just expecting it to be down within a week to be honest. :thumbs:

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its always a good idea to pair ferrets together, when your going to be in for the day,(to watch and listen) if the jill is correctly in season, you'll know they have mated, as all day the hob should be ragging her, you'll also hear squeals as though he's murdering her, plus the marked back of her neck, if you havent witnessed any of this, Id say she wasent ready the first time, and may need a second visit from him

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he's definately mounted her mate. could hear them hissing and chuckling. went to put them some more food in aswell and he was on her. (the hobs hutch lifts up from the top) first time round he only got off her for around 20minutes for something to eat and drink and a little play about, then straight back in the nest box. second time round they were out slightly more but still spent most of there time at it. i noticed aswell that when they werent at it my jill was laid in the nest box waiting for him to come back in lol.

i will leave them till next week then and if the swellings still there take it as she's not pregnant and put them back in?

trouble is it starts to mess with dates i write down then as i dont know 100% what day she took???

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