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let us know if you have any joy with it, would like to try it, but at £80 joining fee, gave it a miss :icon_redface:


Same here. :(


f**k paying for it....I get 14 days free trial before they charge me and I want someone to show me how to use the bugger before 14 days is up :thumbs:

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i have used it a couple of times as well as a few others. But i found scotlands people to be the better one for me as it has more for my needs. Let me know if i can help at all. Also there must be a records place near you they are very help full and only costs you around 50p per copy of birth death marriage certs.

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There are a few birth certificates I wouldn't mind having a look at but as far as I can tell you have to buy them and that UKAncestry shop they point you towards charges 22 and half sheets for them. Is there any other way of seeing a copy? There's also a problem with me sourcing local records as I live in Australia.

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Im not to sure about what other sites you would benefit from But it will depend on the location of where you family search begins here is a link to a site that is quite usfull But it does'nt give you cert's. But will give you some info ie like birth,death,marriage dates. mothers maiden name ect ect.





If you have any family over where you are searching then you could ask them to go to where the records are held and print you off some copys of cert's.

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Stabs, you've got to give them your card details before you get the 14 day free trial.


If you only want to use it for the free trial period and don't want to pay then you have to tell them that you no longer want to use their website and they'll not charge you so long as you don't go over the 14 day period.


I was going to join, but I couldn't justify spending that sort of money on it, not when I've got a good weekend session on the piss approaching!

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