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Right guys, probably a bit of an easy one for you....


How do you go about getting an 'older ferret' used to wearing a Finder Collar? (1+ years and over)


I have heard from a friend about using ferretone on their chest & then fitting the collar whilst they are busy licking the ferretone.


Any other ways you guys get them used to the wearing collars? ;)



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Right guys, probably a bit of an easy one for you....


How do you go about getting an 'older ferret' used to wearing a Finder Collar? (1+ years and over)


I have heard from a friend about using ferretone on their chest & then fitting the collar whilst they are busy licking the ferretone.


Any other ways you guys get them used to the wearing collars? ;)




Could try buying a cheap cat collar, one of the elastic ones and get him used to wearing that around the place and then put the finder on him every now and then.

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I have saw Daves harnesses, they work well...One day his small jill came out with the top half of it slipped off, but the rest intact, had it of been a collar he would have had a DEEP dig while I supervised! 8)


My old glass back couldn't have stood up to more than 2 feet. LOL

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I just collar them up let them run about the floor while i collar up the rest im working that day ,put them in the carrying box check the collar before i put them to ground when im at the farm .Ive never had one slip a collar yet

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open cage door

put ferret collar on ferret

shut door and walk away

come back hour later and remove (if the ferret is no longer wearing it, YOUR doing it up too loose)

repeat each day,


true words

if it comes off then its not on tight enough :thumbs:

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If you have an older ferret and you cant get a collar on without "causing stress" its simply because the ferret hasent been handled often enough, its usually younger ferrets that go into helicopter mode or play up a little when having a collar on for the first few times,i always buy a spare collar (strap) along with any newly purchased locator collars,whilst cleaning out or handling, just keep fitting them with the collar (strap)until they become used to it, atb.

Edited by heritage
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Thanks for all your replies.But i was more meaning, how do you get collars on older ferrets without too much stress to the ferret or yourself?



take end of collar, slip into buckle by about 5mm, hold onto this, place collar over ferrets head, like a lasso, then do up collar, as stated above, if your worried about the ferret biting you, then its not handled enough, if your not worried, whats the problem

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Once your ferret realises the collar means it going out to work it will put it on its self virtaully :D


Very true there matey :thumbs: mine get hyper as hell then i go up to the run with the ferret box and when i pick them up to collar them, they go limp as you like, dead easy to collar them then :victory:

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