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I've done a few searches and am still abit miffed.

Where do i put that i want moderators with my rifles?

what and where do i write for fac air?

Can i put fox for my 22lr (in N.E. England)?

Had a couple of cautions off the police over 10 year ago when i was a kid but not charged with anything, do i still put these down as it only asks for convictions?

Do you think i will get FAC air, 22LR and 17 HMR for my first time? Wont bother with the 17 if i can take fox with the 22LR,

and what reasons would i give for FAC air and the 22LR?


Sorry for all the questions but here is probably the best place to ask, cheers, Liam..

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MODERATORS need to be out into another box, for example. Where it says CALIBER write the caliber you want the MODERATOR to be in, IN TYPE OF FIREARMS write in MODERATOR and in REASON write HEARING PROTECTION and then the land you intend to use the moderator.



Just write the caliber you want it in, then write in TYPE OF FIREARM AIR RIFLE then REASON is VERMIN and the land you intend to use the firearm.


You could try and get .22LR for a fox but they might be a bit shifty for a first time holder of a firearm.


FAC AIR and .22LR write in VERMIN for REASON

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Do i need to put the mod details in for each rifle? and can i put two permission details in one box? what does it mean by expanding ammo?

Yes you will have to out each caliber moderator you want and only ONE permission.


Ammunition that fragments on impact. Seeing as you will be shooting vermin your police force should put expanding ammo on your certificate

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Liam i would be very suprised if you get fox on your ticket with rimfire off Northumbria FLD.Took 14 weeks for my ticket to come through but worth the wait.



I've also applied for 17HMR for the fox, wether or not i get it but one of the permissions i have is sheep farm and lots of chickens about so i have a good enough reason for it and the farmer is fine with it.

I have went for FAC air, 22lr and 17 hmr, dont know if i'm been a bit ambitious but like i say i have reasons for each rifle so fingers crossed. What did you go for Andy?

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Pretty much as others have said.


I don't know how your cautions will affect things but it depends on what they were for. I forget if the Act considers them as convictions, if not then you don't have to declare them. Best idea is to ring headquarters and ask. Then again, they'll know about them all anyway. Bottom line is your character and fitness to possess firearms as it stands at the present moment not what you did 10 years ago. The only exception to that would be if you were a person who was prohibited from possessing firearms under Sec.21 which means they police couldn't issue you a certificate in any case.


Best put it in well in advance as the back-log is huge at the moment. Nice enough people in the department but they are grossly understaffed.



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I've done a few searches and am still abit miffed.

Where do i put that i want moderators with my rifles?

what and where do i write for fac air?

Can i put fox for my 22lr (in N.E. England)?

Had a couple of cautions off the police over 10 year ago when i was a kid but not charged with anything, do i still put these down as it only asks for convictions?

Do you think i will get FAC air, 22LR and 17 HMR for my first time? Wont bother with the 17 if i can take fox with the 22LR,

and what reasons would i give for FAC air and the 22LR?


Sorry for all the questions but here is probably the best place to ask, cheers, Liam..


Is this signature of yours wishful thinking then :whistling::whistling::whistling: ...what calibre is the 10-22 and what reason did you give...and how can you have this many questions if you already have a 10-22?? :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:


Theoban Rapid 12 .22, Hawke nite eye IR

Career 707 .22.

Ruger 10/22.

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Is this signature of yours wishful thinking then :whistling::whistling::whistling: ...what calibre is the 10-22 and what reason did you give...and how can you have this many questions if you already have a 10-22?? :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:


Theoban Rapid 12 .22, Hawke nite eye IR

Career 707 .22.

Ruger 10/22.



Because i'm a member of a shooting club and have a ruger 10-22 which i am paying off weekly as i cant pay for it outright till i get my license, i can use it whenever i want at the club but they keep it there till i get my license :tongue2: .

i was on the phone to the firearms dept today and she told me hmr should be fine for fox as it's the minimum calibre for fox.

i have only 1 conviction that was for speeding back in 2003, the others were just cautions when i was a kid. Cheers, Liam..

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Is this signature of yours wishful thinking then whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif ...what calibre is the 10-22 and what reason did you give...and how can you have this many questions if you already have a 10-22?? hmm.gifhmm.gifhmm.gifhmm.gif


Theoban Rapid 12 .22, Hawke nite eye IR

Career 707 .22.

Ruger 10/22.



Because i'm a member of a shooting club and have a ruger 10-22 which i am paying off weekly as i cant pay for it outright till i get my license, i can use it whenever i want at the club but they keep it there till i get my license tongue2.gif .

i was on the phone to the firearms dept today and she told me hmr should be fine for fox as it's the minimum calibre for fox.

i have only 1 conviction that was for speeding back in 2003, the others were just cautions when i was a kid. Cheers, Liam..

HMR for fox off Northumbriahmm.gif .Personally i would'nt be happy with shooting fox with HMR....if i get land with a fox problem in the future i would be putting in for a variation for centrefire.

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Is this signature of yours wishful thinking then :whistling::whistling::whistling: ...what calibre is the 10-22 and what reason did you give...and how can you have this many questions if you already have a 10-22?? :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:


Theoban Rapid 12 .22, Hawke nite eye IR

Career 707 .22.

Ruger 10/22.


Because i'm a member of a shooting club and have a ruger 10-22 which i am paying off weekly as i cant pay for it outright till i get my license, i can use it whenever i want at the club but they keep it there till i get my license :tongue2: .

i was on the phone to the firearms dept today and she told me hmr should be fine for fox as it's the minimum calibre for fox.

i have only 1 conviction that was for speeding back in 2003, the others were just cautions when i was a kid. Cheers, Liam..


May I suggest you talk to those at your club, they must have filled in a few FAC applications before and I struggle to believe none of them will have a moderator or FAC air. On top of which I don't know of a single target club where someone doesn't hunt, seek them out for advice, they are all much closer to your circumstances than anyone here!


Did you complete a section 21 whan you joined this club? Is it a recognised Home Office Approved club?

Edited by Deker
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1) Where do i put that i want moderators with my rifles?

2) what and where do i write for fac air?

3) Can i put fox for my 22lr (in N.E. England)?

4) do i still put these down as it only asks for convictions?

5) Do you think i will get FAC air, 22LR and 17 HMR for my first time? Wont

6) what reasons would i give for FAC air and the 22LR?


Hi Liam,


1) Moderators are treated the same as "guns" and are considered firearms in the eyes of the police. So in the section which asks "Firearms you wish to purchase or acquire" you would enter " Sound moderator - .22 " for example.


2) I have never seen the point in FAC air if you have a .22 rf, but I guess in the same section as above " Air rifle .22 "


3) Some forces will grant a .17 HMR / .22 rf for foxes, if you we me I would simple put "vermin control" as a reason and then address it after your application has been approved.


4) Put EVERYTHING down. The police will find everything that has been or is on your record.


5) Don't know and it makes no difference. If you are suitable for firearm ownership, the firearms enquiry officer will tell you what he/she is happy with you owning on the home visit. You can adjust and amend at that point.


6) 'Vermin control', in my opinion I would keep things very simple with your first application. You need to ask yourself why you need each of the firearms. .22 FAC air / .22rf / .17 HMR are all more or less used for the same purposes. IMHO the .22rf can replace the .22 FAC air.


Hope the above helps a little.



Edited by HUnter_zero
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Because i'm a member of a shooting club and have a ruger 10-22 which i am paying off weekly as i cant pay for it outright till i get my license, i can use it whenever i want at the club but they keep it there till i get my license :tongue2: .

i was on the phone to the firearms dept today and she told me hmr should be fine for fox as it's the minimum calibre for fox.

i have only 1 conviction that was for speeding back in 2003, the others were just cautions when i was a kid. Cheers, Liam..


I'm guessing that's the Sunderland one then. We may have met.


It's unlikely thay your FAC would be refused then as all clubs must notify the cops of everyone who applies for membership and if they thought you weren't suitable they would have objected to your membership.



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