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Thanks to Herts Constabulary for blaming Pest Controllers

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Article in Cheshunt & Waltham Mercury 22/04/10 Page 2.


44 Dead Foxes Left Hanging from Trees


Briefly, two teenager's were out and about and came across a traditional gamekeepers gibbett on private land near to a public right of way containing 44 dead foxes.


The Police and RSPCA were called and the landowner asked to take them down. The Police confirmed that NO offence had been committed.


The reporter went on to say " After visiting the scene and talking with the landowner, officers from Herts Constabulary believe the bodies were left by A PEST CONTROLLER.


Well thank you Herts Constabulary for your quick and hasty judgement. clapper.gifclapper.gifclapper.gif


Would Herts Constabulary class a milkman a 'Pest Controller' if he went to B&Q at the weekend and bought some rat poison and a tube of ant powder? cry.gif


It's not only Pest Controller's that shoot foxes. It could have been a City Broker or an Airline Pilot that has permission to shoot on various farms in their spare time.


This is a damaging statement from Herts Contabulary for the Pest Control Industry. wallbash.gif


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Edited by Urban Fox Control London
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Just noticed this in the article:

THE corpses of more than 40 dead foxes have been found hanging by the neck from trees just yards from a public footpath in Goffs Oak.





Jake Sysum, 17, from Cheshunt, made the gruesome discovery on Saturday (April 17) and guided police officers to the spot on Tuesday morning with friend Aran Salih.He said: "I was shocked, to be honest. I do a lot of off-roading on my bike, I came into these woods and saw them."
As far as I'm aware it's an offence to ride a bike on a public footpath, why didn't they nick the little scrote & research the law on the matter of the gibbet before starting an investigation? :doh: Edited by maltenby
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Well said chalkwarren :thumbs:


This does nothing to help those of us that make a living from trapping and shooting it just gives the papers and the anti's

more ammunition to try and ban everything to do with our sport and livelihoods.

Completely irresponsible on the part of the hunter.


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44 dead foxes hanging from trees! FFS, thats some serious shit! :icon_eek:

If the farmer requests , i hang moles from the fence so he can see what i got, and that is fairly common on a few farms - but i still feel like its a little victorian to do that! but to hang foxes on trees!, thats not victorian-its neanderthal!

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As a young keeper we were requested to hang vermin on traditional lines and were paid according to what we trapped and shot .Foxes however were never to be strung up as they according to the owner ,looked better infront of hounds :notworthy: We were however paid for tails handed in . Foxes stretch fence wire too :icon_eek:

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iknow this place very well and do a lot around there and there is simply not that number of foxes in that area i thinks this may be a bit more sinister and a bit of a publicity stunt papers police stumbled upon near public footpath more to this than meets the eye

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