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deben cyclops

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had a look at the deben cyclops lamp on-line,well for the price it looks a handy bit of kit,i have never used it though,so was wondering if anyone on here has and what are your thoughts on it,would i be better spending the extra few quid on a different make/model with a battery pack or is this really worth buying?atb thumbs.gif ......john

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I bought one and did not like the beam it was more rectangular than spot wasn't for me so bought a lightforce and sold the cyclopse,coleman lamps were good but they are like hens teeth now luckily I still have mine, I also use a clulite LA1 and thats great too and I have just bought a clulite shootalite SL2 but not had a chance to try it as yet.In my experiance you get what you pay for so buy the best you can afford mate

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