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Dogs Breeding - health & precautions?!!?

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Im planning on taking my bitch to be lined this week but have started having a few concerns after beeing told about a few things which can go wrong if the bitch is harbouring a infection before mating and been advised to precautionary put her on some antibiotics in advance!


Do any one give there bitch any precautionary treatmeant such as anti-biotics when there about to be lined to have a litter??..........and then have a precautionary herpies jab 7-10 days after mating??


Anyone in the know who breeds dogs know anything about these kinds of things and your views on it


Thanks in advance


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Course of broad spectrum antibiotics a week before mating is sometimes used by breeders. Go and buy a little paperback called The Book of the Bitch: it will tell you just about everything you need to know about breeding and whelping: brilliant book.It would take far too long to write it all on here: maybe if I had a few weeks LOL, seriously, buy that book, you'll not regret it.

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Guest chook

One breeder who i know of - would overdose her GSD's with AB's and wormer before lining any of her bitch's,

not something i would recomend realy, if your concerned with anything, take her to the vets just for a check up

before lining her.

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Im planning on taking my bitch to be lined this week but have started having a few concerns after beeing told about a few things which can go wrong if the bitch is harbouring a infection before mating and been advised to precautionary put her on some antibiotics in advance!


Do any one give there bitch any precautionary treatmeant such as anti-biotics when there about to be lined to have a litter??..........and then have a precautionary herpies jab 7-10 days after mating??


Anyone in the know who breeds dogs know anything about these kinds of things and your views on it


Thanks in advance


Anti biotics before ,folic acid tabs until the pups are born and a jab of vitamin b12 after the pups are born ,thatrs my way . :thumbs:

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When we were breeding greyhounds we'd give them a course of synolux antibiotics after mating and thats it as far as drugs are concerned until pups are born, apart from worming.. Ive never heard of anyone breeder of dogs using folic acid, they'd get enough of that in vegetables..

..... Pa

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When we were breeding greyhounds we'd give them a course of synolux antibiotics after mating and thats it as far as drugs are concerned until pups are born, apart from worming.. Ive never heard of anyone breeder of dogs using folic acid, they'd get enough of that in vegetables..

..... Pa

I bow to your superior knowledge ,NOT .

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When we were breeding greyhounds we'd give them a course of synolux antibiotics after mating and thats it as far as drugs are concerned until pups are born, apart from worming.. Ive never heard of anyone breeder of dogs using folic acid, they'd get enough of that in vegetables..

..... Pa

I bow to your superior knowledge ,NOT .

who said i had 'superior knowledge'? and was i telling anyone what to do? I was just sayin what I did... Whats ur wisdom of thought on the subject? Ya fcukin know-it-all..

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this is what i do course of antibiotics before mating dog and bitch then in the last 4 weeks of the pregnancy i give the bitch calcium tablets 1000mg a day and do this until the pups are 6 weeks old then i reduce to 500ng for next 3 weeks then stop alltogether nothing worse for the bitch to go into shock due to calcium defiency in the second or third week of feeding hungary pups apart from that worm them from 2-3 weeks then every 2 weeks after that and let them get on with it

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this is what i do course of antibiotics before mating dog and bitch then in the last 4 weeks of the pregnancy i give the bitch calcium tablets 1000mg a day and do this until the pups are 6 weeks old then i reduce to 500ng for next 3 weeks then stop alltogether nothing worse for the bitch to go into shock due to calcium defiency in the second or third week of feeding hungary pups apart from that worm them from 2-3 weeks then every 2 weeks after that and let them get on with it

Alrite Topper, ive never given pregnant bitches calcium supplements myself cos i dont know enough about it plus i dont like over doin it on supplements when in pup.. But im just wondering had u any complications with pups such as eclampsia (low calcium blood level), calcium deposits or joint abnormalities in pups when givin whelpin bitches calcium supplements?

As i said i dont know enough about it to do it, so i thought id ask..


..... Pa

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Course of broad spectrum antibiotics a week before mating is sometimes used by breeders. Go and buy a little paperback called The Book of the Bitch: it will tell you just about everything you need to know about breeding and whelping: brilliant book.It would take far too long to write it all on here: maybe if I had a few weeks LOL, seriously, buy that book, you'll not regret it.


Cheers for the advise,

I put her on anti biotics and will be giving her the herpus jab to try and eliminate the possibilitys of FPS...........At the end of the day my bitch means too much to me for me not to take the preventative when theres no big risk to her health using them!....... even if they were no doubt an unneccisary expense lol


I took her down to Peter Jones today to be lined with his FTCH Maesyderwynn Scimitar who is a stunning little cocker!!


She will also be going back down to having a second mating just to be sure!................and give me another chance to admire his stunnning array of Quality FTCH cockers he has down there!!!


Hopefully she will have a nice healthy litter of pups and all goes well in roughly 63 days time!





p.s bought the book yesterday :)

Edited by timdog
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i have kept dogs my whole life and have bred many times to replace my stock and my friends stock.i never breed pups to sell,always to replace our own dogs.but i must say i have never heard such fussy silly,anally retentive shite as is on here.a lot of ye arn't happy unless ye have something stupid to worry about.as said before all a bitch needs is good food,to be free of worms and a warm dry place to pup.fcukin hell.

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