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Excellent T1   Everything you have posted including the PM's tell me you have the upper hand in this and it seems the Solicitor agree's   Like I said in mine, after the ARU said no offence has

  On 25/04/2010 at 17:51, terrierone said:

off back to police now as these were siezed illegally according to clive rees that law about carrying guns has not changed,,, they cant take guns at all complaint going in today


Who is Clive Rees?


And why is his word better than ours :hmm: :11:


Seriously, as I said in our PM conversation, the Police have the right to sieze a gun and have it tested ONLY if they believe a crime has been or is being committed.


As you said, the ARU checked out your permission which was verified as being legal, so they should not have taken them :no:


The bit about your mate though, well if thats the case, he is I am affraid, up the creek without a paddle :thumbdown:


Take care


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  On 25/04/2010 at 17:58, Phantom said:
  On 25/04/2010 at 17:51, terrierone said:

off back to police now as these were siezed illegally according to clive rees that law about carrying guns has not changed,,, they cant take guns at all complaint going in today


Who is Clive Rees?


And why is his word better than ours :hmm: :11:


Seriously, as I said in our PM conversation, the Police have the right to sieze a gun and have it tested ONLY if they believe a crime has been or is being committed.


As you said, the ARU checked out your permission which was verified as being legal, so they should not have taken them :no:


The bit about your mate though, well if thats the case, he is I am affraid, up the creek without a paddle :thumbdown:


Take care


Clive Reese is a specialised lawyer in all hunting/shooting matters mate... His word is gosple mate...so forgive terrierone of takin his word over yours..atb stabba

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  On 25/04/2010 at 18:02, stabba said:


Clive Reese is a specialised lawyer in all hunting/shooting matters mate... His word is gosple mate...so forgive terrierone of takin his word over yours..atb stabba


Right, that'll be why then :laugh:


Wasn't complaining just having a giggle (like I do :angel:)


But I bet you a pound to a penny, he says exactly what I said :yes: both about the siezure, the legality of T1's gun legality of his mates gun :D




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 Who is Clive Rees?

And why is his word better than ours  




Clive Rees is probably the best field sports defence solicitor in the country. His knowledge on the law as far as hunting and shooting goes is second to none

He has probably helped dozens of lads out on this site.

I’m sure someone will pass his details on to you Tony they could come in handy you can never be careful these days. :thumbs: atb John

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  On 25/04/2010 at 18:10, bedrock said:

 Who is Clive Rees?

And why is his word better than ours 




Clive Rees is probably the best field sports defence solicitor in the country. His knowledge on the law as far as hunting and shooting goes is second to none

He has probably helped dozens of lads out on this site.

I'm sure someone will pass his details on to you Tony they could come in handy you can never be careful these days. :thumbs: atb John


Indeed John,


He does sound like the kinda guy, you want on your side :yes:


Well I guess thats my "learn something new everyday" quaota fulfilled for today :yes:


Thanks Gents :yes:



Edited by Phantom
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My gunsmith told me a policemen cant touch you rifle, dont try to stop him, but make him aware you need to take his number. They simply wont touch it. They cant say 'That looks powerful' they have to have a better reason. Will be interested to hear further details of this story.



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Last year I had a couple of experiances with Oscar Nine Nine (Hull area Helicopter) on my permissions, a friendly wave with a bunny in one hand, and a gun (pointing down) in the other hand and they left me alone.



You have 3 hands? You gave a friendly wave with - a bunny in one hand and a gun pointing down in the other? :D

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yeah tony everyone told me too get advice clive rees the best anyone can get, advert in countrymans weekly contacted him , been back to police asked 4 guns back , was told come back in morning, then asked 4 a reciept after a further 30 mins waiting got it , now i want all coppers names n no s who were there , for future ref.ILL FIGHT THIS AS DONE NOWT WRONG

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It sounds like this guy may help sort out your problems, but for me......I would join BASC......It gives you insurance.....and their legal team is second to none.....They would sort it out if it can be sorted......All for £75 a year

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  On 25/04/2010 at 21:59, terrierone said:

yeah tony everyone told me too get advice clive rees the best anyone can get, advert in countrymans weekly contacted him , been back to police asked 4 guns back , was told come back in morning, then asked 4 a reciept after a further 30 mins waiting got it , now i want all coppers names n no s who were there , for future ref.ILL FIGHT THIS AS DONE NOWT WRONG


Excellent T1 :D


Everything you have posted including the PM's tell me you have the upper hand in this :yes: and it seems the Solicitor agree's :clapper:


Like I said in mine, after the ARU said no offence has been commited, it just sounds like the locals are trying to justify spending so much money on their knee-jerk over reaction involving all those officers and the chopper.


Make sure that you let the local press know about it when the case is finished so people can see how the local police are wasting tax payers money :thumbs:


Dont forget to keep us all informed :yes: I love it when the ordinary man can stick it to the authorities when they think they are above the law and always right.


Take care



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i was one of the lads out with t1 and had my son out for first time he's 15 and his mothers beed wingeing for me to take him . i think this has put him right off now due to heavy handed ness of the plod.. well o.t.t. as we had permission but they wernt interested kept saying its an offence to have guns in bags in a public place..5plod cars riot van helicopter and armed responce. no wonder theres so many burglaries.. still though just pissed off that they took our guns when they said we could have them back if permission checked out. which it did..wots going on? surely as no offence commited they should not have taken them. and if they thought we had commited an offence they should have arrested us there and then.

Edited by big bri whit
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  On 26/04/2010 at 19:47, Sweeney-Todd said:

Hiya guy's.


What a nightmare for you!!

Especialy for the young chap who was on his first outing with Dad.

Having read all the post's, it seem's you guy's are on top of it all.


Wish you well, and good luck with it.










cheers bud , couple o days should know whats happening atb t1

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