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just need some one to help me convince my father

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hi guys

i have been shooting around 3 months now and i have recently discovered that a neighbour of mine is big into shooting.

I have been talking to him and he has gave me various tips, dvds and the few occasional cartridges.

He is going to bring me out shooting deer in the summer and also some foxes.

As a way to say thank you i was going to invite him to come shooting with us one day but my father thinks that the landowner has only given us permission to shoot.

Now i know where my dad is coming from but i need help to convince him that it is ok to bring other people out onto our permission as long as they are with us all the time and that they wont come out with out.

Keeping in mind my neighbour is an experienced shooter i know he will not do this so just leave comments saying other people do this on a regular basis


myles :gunsmilie:

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i wanted to take my stepdad out onto land that i had permission to shoot on. even tho it would not have been a problem i still asked and confirmed with the land owner that it was ok to bring another person. why dont u ask the land owner personally? then u can say to your dad that it is ok for the three of you to go out on the land.

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I'd have to say you should respect your dads wishes, he's taking you shooting which is something alot of people would give their right arm to have. In time if you still feel the same way ask him and give him a good reason rather than badger. You never really know what other people are like outside of close freinds and family.

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nik_b has a point. u dont wanna upset your dad a. my old man does not shoot anymore! wish he did! was one of the greatest pigeon shooters i knew. would give anything to go shooting with him again. enjoy all the time with your dad that you can! it does not last forever!

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thanks lads

i love it when me and my dad go shooting together because its just us and we have a good laugh.

I do not want to disrespect my father at all and i certainly do not wish to have the shooting stopped so i will leave it for now because after reading your comments here i think just me and dad out in the field would be better and plus this way we can learn all the secrets and tricks of the trade together.


myles :gunsmilie:

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thanks lads

i love it when me and my dad go shooting together because its just us and we have a good laugh.

I do not want to disrespect my father at all and i certainly do not wish to have the shooting stopped so i will leave it for now because after reading your comments here i think just me and dad out in the field would be better and plus this way we can learn all the secrets and tricks of the trade together.


myles :gunsmilie:


A good decision and well thought out, that's the way to make a decision ask folks opinions then take the decision yourself rationally. Well done. :thumbs:

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Why not suggest to your dad that the three of you go for a day at the clay pigeon shooting ,But your dads right to respect the landowner

I always ask landowners if it is ok to bring a friend allong and I always phone to confirm before I Visit,Enjoy the time you spend with your dad mate ..........its priceless

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i can understand your dads reservations to letting others onto permission,there is a risk to it.

sounds like you have made the right decision by respecting your dads wishes and not getting on his back about it :thumbs:


good advice about going with your dad and your neighbor to a clay ground and letting them get to know each other,they may get on and your dad may invite him for a day on the pigeons............


sound advice all round,and i would say your dad could be proud of you you for approaching the whole thing in a mature and thoughtfull manner.

well done and enjoy the sport with your dad as much as you can.



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thanks for all the comments guys ill leave it up to my dad to make the decisions as in the long run he will make the right decision be it to let others shoot with us or not.

I just wanted to get other peoples ideas on the matter.


myles :gunsmilie:

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Good lad.


Always listen to the old man and take his advice when ever you can. If you sat down and spoke with him he may have a good reason and he wouldn't be doing this to piss you off. You got to be careful these days me old mate, there are people out there who will not respect the boundaries of doing a good and may get on the land when you aren't about. Also we all shoot and hunt on land with the trust and respect of the landowner. As this bloke is an unknown quantity to you and the old man, if he messes up and shoots something he shouldn't,causes damage or is just a general pain in the arse. Then it's your dad and you are the ones left to explain. The worse result is lose the permission. The the replies are good advice and you seem like a sound lad.

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