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A keeper next door to me has just bought a snaring device that's triggered by a baited plate, the snare is layed flat around the trigger plate, it was originally used for catching wild dogs. He set it yesterday with some supplied attractent putty, this morning he was greeted by a bouncing dog fox .. Happy days.. Any one else tried them ?? There steep at about £50 notes a piece, but if he carrys on as he has started it could well be worth the expence..

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A keeper next door to me has just bought a snaring device that's triggered by a baited plate, the snare is layed flat around the trigger plate, it was originally used for catching wild dogs. He set it yesterday with some supplied attractent putty, this morning he was greeted by a bouncing dog fox .. Happy days.. Any one else tried them ?? There steep at about £50 notes a piece, but if he carrys on as he has started it could well be worth the expence..


I think you are talking about the Collarum trap. Very useful in gardens etc, as I have found out. They will not replace the good old wire noose for foxes though. The price has recently gone up too as that price you mentioned was a sort of introductory offer.


I hope the keeper gets many more.


All the best



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That's the one :) he. Said today that they had gone up 30 odd quid, ouch!!! When I first saw it I laughed at the holding wire, it must be 5 or 6 times thicker than normal snare wire, but looking at it being set and what you see of it when it is set I must admit they look good, all you can see is the trigger.. Do you use the putty attractent? Or more natural baits? Have you had anything kink the wire yet? If so how many catches did you get off the one wire?? Sorry for the questions, curiosity in new bits of kit and all that

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That's the one :) he. Said today that they had gone up 30 odd quid, ouch!!! When I first saw it I laughed at the holding wire, it must be 5 or 6 times thicker than normal snare wire, but looking at it being set and what you see of it when it is set I must admit they look good, all you can see is the trigger.. Do you use the putty attractent? Or more natural baits? Have you had anything kink the wire yet? If so how many catches did you get off the one wire?? Sorry for the questions, curiosity in new bits of kit and all that


I use rabbit portions or pigeon breasts for bait with a little attractant peppered around. So far I have taken 6 foxes with it in gardens around town and the wire is starting to show a kink but still usable. I do not have one set all the time and only set it when I am asked to. I have had one misfire, the trap was sprung with no catch, but it does say in the blurb that they are about 90% successful.



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