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Yukon MK2 Digital Binoculars?

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  mackem said:
Just ordered a pair of Digital NV binoculars,Yukon MK2's,anyone used the MK 1's and what were they like?At what distance could you spot a fox/deer at night? :hmm:

ive used the mk1s and i find them to be ok,maby a little under powered mag wise(think there 2.5). they do give you an eye on whats going on although not as clear as some might think. saying that they are worth the money because it gives you the chance to see whats going on. i would say that at about 100yards you can tell what it is you are looing at although there isnt a great deal of detail,more of a silhouette. the eyes of any animal show up like a torch so at the very least they can be used for spotting befor you switch on the lamp. i dont know how the mk2s will be as ive not used them but i would hope they will be somewhat of an upgrade.

keep us posted how you find them :);)

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Mackem mate Ive bought a Yukon NVMT Monocular 4x50.Im using it with an infa red set up on me lamp and it is Ideal.I can see everything that I want to and can see a lot further than the distance I would be slipping the dogs at.I think the monoculars have a bit more range than binoculars thats why I got one.I got it off ebay from a power seller in the USA and saved £100 on the price of the same unit over here.

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Mole,these are 5x magnification and a significant improvement on the MK 1's :yes: watching fox CLEARLY last night at a paced 105 yards,only problem is they are battery HUNGRY :icon_eek: have to get some rechargeables :(

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Ponte,these are the MK 2's mate,waaaayyy better than the MK 1's,see the brightness control wheel between the objective lenses?Get your cheque sent of ;) Ya know ya want to :yes:

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Wife bought me them as a christmas prezzie mate,I will ask her when she comes in from work(I have the day off :) )going out tonight trout fishing :ph34r: so its an ideal opportunity to test them out thoroughly :D

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Guest midnight_runner
  mackem said:
Wife bought me them as a christmas prezzie mate,I will ask her when she comes in from work(I have the day off :) )going out tonight trout fishing :ph34r: so its an ideal opportunity to test them out thoroughly :D

rainbow i hope mackem :whistle: :whistle:

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Just spoke to the wife,they were £300,well worth it :yes: Not your usual blurry green image,but a crisp pin-sharp B&W picture,with an excellent inbuilt IR illuminator :yes:

Midnight Runner,browns tonight mate,got enough George,zippy,and bungle fillets in the freezer to last a lifetime ;)

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ordered mine today from uttings...could have had one last week off them....but thought i would buy off nightvisionsupplies.....you know the story...sounds a little like the soviet bazaar episode.... so i have decided to go to uttings....

will be delivered friday...roll on them dark windy netting nights...be nice to see whitch way them crafty rabs run!!!

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Soviet Bazaar :D I always used to imagine Ruski factory ships trading zenith NVG's for levi jeans and marlboros :D Going trout netting later tonight with mine,going to see if I can watch the fish hit the net rather than just hear the slapping on the surface :) Good luck with your purchase ;)

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