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saluki cross retrieve training - thoughts please....

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ive got a 20 month old saluki whippet first cross who is coming on really well. have managed to crack the recall after a bit of work with the saluki obediance gene (!) shes just started jumping and has got much better with the rabbits. Shes still having a bit of trouble with the strike, she seems to be going in too quickly and missing them sometimes but i think thats going to come with experience. the biggest problem ive got, and the one im looking for a bit of advice on is her retrieve. Shes never been interested in retrieving since i got her at 6 months - toys or sticks - she loves the chace, shakes them a bit and runs about with them then often dropps them when i call her back. though shes getting a bit better. rabbits are a different story. she has no interest in retrieving to hand. she normally strikes the rabbit, shakes it a little and runs off with it. sometimes i can get her to stop and wait for me to walk up to her, sometimes she starts to bring it back then runs off or she brings it half way back and holds it.. she seems to ge getting a bit better as time goes on.


she seems to be so excited when shes got one.. is this something she will grow out of or are there any tips that someone could give me?



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no ideas? she did it again last night... caught one while we were out walking - was a good one.. then off she went.. i walked off and called her and she started to come back, got abouty half way and then sat down with it. called her and she came back leaving the rabbit behind - dead...... (!)if the rabbits stops moving she looses interest.

Edited by ol26
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