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miniture jack russel terriers

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Guest AsherDe

Their are too many designer breeds going around. Labradoodles, Pugapoos, Yorkiepoos.


When my Dane came in, one of my Jack pups thought he was going to become a man with her. All he got was a nose full, and when she laid down for him, he humped her head. He was pretty young. She was put up for the duration when she was standing. I should have let him get her. If they turned out big, they would be Great Russells. If they came out small, they would be Jack Danes. The stupid twits will pay big bucks for a "New Breed".

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:blink: FACT: People keep dogs as pets. People can go and spend how ever much they want on a pup, whatever the breed.


This guy and his family have spent time and effort producing a cracking website, which looks to be very informative and helpful to the new owners. The pups might not be to everyone's liking :sick: but what I can see is that they all look in top condition and well cared for. He's not advetising them on here as working dogs, so WHAT's THE F UCKING PROBLEM.....


There's plenty of dog peddlars, dog breeders, unscrupulous farmers with kennels full of westies, cockers whatever... all in stinking conditions...


Good luck to him I say, and if people are willing to spend the bucks on the pups good luck to them it's their hard earned money.....




rant over... :tongue2:

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  • 2 months later...

I know this is a relativley old thread but your spot on swanseajack . . .


Theyre not being sold as something theyre not . . . Jack Russells are one of the most common pet dogs there are and small 'minature jack russells' are in high demand. Characterisitics and breed standard the hunting and working dog fraternity appriciate in its dogs are from from the expectations of the general public.


As you said theyre not kept in squalid conditions being battery bred from a barn or backgarden.







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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Mildly interesting on several levels, all that. Eg. Yes, the indignation of a lot of people about some other people who are breeding what appears to be basicly honest Dogs and selling them to those who want them. Come on, lads; What Is the problem there? Someone, somewhere is breeding Siberian Huskeys. Yet 99% of those buggers will never pull a sledge through snow. No one's pretending they will. Where are you then? How many of the New Icon, ABD's, will ever be called upon to controll unruly 'stock? Differant people buy differant Dogs for differant reasons. No?


Having said that, they'd go down a storm over here. At least round my way. See, whilst I've never felt moved to mention the local " JR's ", they're a bloody popular little Dog around here. And ye know what? They ALL look like those things! Straight up! Little, dinky things with short legs. If it doesn't fit that type? It's 'Not a JR'!


Those of ye who've seen my little bitch, " Hannah " / Small Dog, will have passed over her without thought or comment. Because she's just a JR. But try to convince the people around me that that's what she is? Seriously; I've actually given up pronouncing her a JR and now just refer to her vaguely as, " My little terrier. A Rat Catchers sort of Dog. " Saves weird looks and sly remarks :rolleyes: They just won't have it. And me being from the South of England. Ancesteroral home of the bloody things!


But there we are. It's all a matter of taste. I like a bit of leg on my 'JR's. Others, obviously, like loo roll liners sled on cotton reels. Some of you guys won't give a flying f*ck, long as it can face fox 24 / 7 without a break. Some of ye couldn't give a monkeys if it's even Look At a fox! Each to their own!


Surely what really matters, on top of what's been said above - about their good conditions of keep and care - is that these funny little Dogs will be brought by people who want them, basicaly, for how they look. And they'll pay through the nose For that look. Up to them. But I'll bet damn few of those little characters ever end up copping a spade or else being sold down the line, just because they don't appear willing or able to Do something.


Would I have one? Would I f*ck! I like my JR's to at least Look Like the more widely accepted idea of a modern day " JR Terrier ". And that, to me, means a bit of daylight.


But get all excited about those people, their pet Dogs and their customers? Do I sound half as excited as some of you guys up there? Relax, guys ~ just don't f*ckin buy one! :D

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Guest Eamon.Mc

I just read the thread and did'nt bother looking at the website, Feck them I'll not be using any of their blood in my yard. After all what I can gather is they are for pets. Wish I could dream up a fashionable cross that people would pay hand over fist for. Only thing is I would'nt have the time to hunt. So that's out the window. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

just stumbled across this topic..

my dad has always had short-legged, rought coated jack russells. not that small though! his worked, very useful things for ferreting & ratting. feisty as. my first terrier was a little thing called brambles, by god she was gutsy. if any of the lurchers (all 26 1/2" & bigger) came near me, she'd be hanging off their throats. everyone called her "the rat". ten or 15 years ago you'd see a lot of rough coated jr's about in norfolk. hardly ever see them now, everyone has the smooth coated, be they long or short legged.

i knew a woman who always went on about her jack russell.. when i met the thing i nearly wet myself... skinny little legs, tiny paws, huge sticky-out ears halfway down the side of it's head, big round skull... she swore blind it was a purebred! half chihuahua more like. she nearly threw me out of her house for insulting her dog! some of the things that get passed off as jr's these days :no: one of my dad's friends crossed a jack russell bitch with a dachsund... look like jr's. bit long in the body though!

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  • 2 weeks later...
:blink: FACT: People keep dogs as pets. People can go and spend how ever much they want on a pup, whatever the breed.


This guy and his family have spent time and effort producing a cracking website, which looks to be very informative and helpful to the new owners. The pups might not be to everyone's liking :sick: but what I can see is that they all look in top condition and well cared for. He's not advetising them on here as working dogs, so WHAT's THE F UCKING PROBLEM.....


There's plenty of dog peddlars, dog breeders, unscrupulous farmers with kennels full of westies, cockers whatever... all in stinking conditions...


Good luck to him I say, and if people are willing to spend the bucks on the pups good luck to them it's their hard earned money.....




rant over... :tongue2:




Ah if only this were true and we could believe in human kindness towards their animals. Sadly its not true and a friend of mine who lives in kent went to check out this place, do they just breed this type of dog? sadly NOPE they have lots of other breeds too and he seen at least 40 breeding bitches 20 being pocket terriers or whatever they want to call them, the pups stank from being in kennels so were not house reared. They are gypsy types he reckons, they have very strong essex accents. But where there's money theres s***e i think the saying goes. As to working dogs! :icon_eek: well...mice maybe. :(

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