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Guest LamperJohn
my trusty lurcher is due to have an op thursday, and go under general anastheatic! some people say it can ruin a working dog,& some say the modern medicine is just fine! any views & experiances would be great!

dont worry mate when i took my dog to the vets .i told the vet sighthound breeds are sensitive to certan anastheatics she asured me it will be fine my dog went under twice in 3 days everything went well now shes home just the same as allways.

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my trusty lurcher is due to have an op thursday, and go under general anastheatic! some people say it can ruin a working dog


most vets understand that running dogs can be sensitive to an anastheastic and now offer the best for the dogs well being. as for it being the ruin of a working dog (if you meen the anastheastic) load of old s*!t.

Im sure all of us that work lurchers have found to our cost,that working lurchers and vets seem to go hand in hand, hopefully not that often.


im sure your dog will be fine,hope all goes well and he/she is back to its old self in no time :)

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