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Why do dogs piss in the bed? iv a pup 10 1/2 month old and noticed her this morning pissing in her bed :censored: I would care i only clean the bedding yesterday now im gunna have to do it again today. Does anyone know of how i can stop this happening? Any help will be much appreciated, Cheers wardy.

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i had a bitch pup who did this only when my girlfriend had been round though i presumed at the time it was some sort of female dominance thing but didnt realy know she soon grew out of it dose it appear to be marking over a particular spot ?

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Guest joe ox

If the sleeping area is big enough for a dog to stand up and cock its leg make it smaller, bitchs and pups piss different so that doesnt apply so if bitchs and pups are pissing where they sleep again make it small as possible then take away the bedding for a few days and let the dirty feckers sleep in it which sometimes works but the fact is some dogs are dirty feckers censored.gif

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I found my bitch particularly wont go out if its freezing cold & she will piddle on the bed thats by the back door ... even between walks



Only if its wet outside or very cold

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If the sleeping area is big enough for a dog to stand up and cock its leg make it smaller, bitchs and pups piss different so that doesnt apply so if bitchs and pups are pissing where they sleep again make it small as possible then take away the bedding for a few days and let the dirty feckers sleep in it which sometimes works but the fact is some dogs are dirty feckers censored.gif



Agree make the sleeping area smaller.I also changed from hay to blankets and it stopped thumbs.gif

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