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prosport didnt let me down

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Before i start i am a complete novice to air gun field shooting, im a lurcher man and im happy with my dogs and ferrets wandering the fields causing bunny mayhem. but due to pressure from a farmer to get rid of the rabbits come hell or high water ive invested in a rifle.


The little field i chose to shoot in last night borders onto a bracken covered valley which is littered with sets,so as soon as i got out of the carrabbits were bouncing all over the field, i managed to get one shot off from a standing position but as the gun weighs the equivalent of a small car and i hadnt shot it like this before i missed.


i had originally planned to stay in the field andsettle in to a hedge but thought better of it and went into the valley of rabbits and got down behind a dry stone wall, im not one for excuses but ive just had a bit of surgery on my knee and i have a chronic bad back so finding a comfortable shooting position took a bit of doing it was a bit of yoga cojoined with the early kama sutra but seated comfortably and after a few minutes up popped rabbit no1 about thirty meters awayand a clear shot, nerves kicked in im afraid and i snatched the trigger and i saw the shot take bark from a tree near its head. off scampered rabbit, a minute later rabbitno2 a bit further this timebut not much aimed and squeezed and the bloody thing ducked, i kid you not it was a veteran of past airgun shooters,


A bit less than enthralled with my abilities when rabbit no3 made its appearance roughly the same distance but to my side instead of straight in front i twisted slowly and held for an easy shot, bugs obliged by sticking his head up and thwack, a bit of gymnastics and he lay my only victim of the night.


i have a bit to learn but there are plenty of rabbits to go at, i found nerves were an initial problem but i think i am passed that stage now.


The rifle did well the shooter must try harder

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hi ya buddy

good write up buddy :thumbs: and good shot on the last rabbit to stew for later ? :thumbs: what do you think about the prosport then ? and shooting over nerves is a hard thing matey but you will soon get over that my lad calls it happy trigger finger lol

but plenty of rabbit why you are matey :thumbs: glad you got one though matey :thumbs: and try a cheap little bean cushion on a rod rest to lean on as i use to :thumbs:



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Hi Stroller,


Nice shot, you'll allways remember your 1st :clapper:


Now to my usual reccomendation :yes: and honestly; I'm not having a go as some people seem to think sometimes :thumbdown:


Have a few hours with paper targets buddy until you are sure of the feel of the gun and your confidence will then override your nerves :thumbs:


We've all been there, with the nerves :yes:



When ever I go out, be it at the cemetery or the paddock, I allways shoot at least five (usually more) into paper targets before I take shots at quarry.

Knowing that I can put 5 shots or more into the bulls eye at 30 yards gives me the confidance that I am going to hit and kill 99% (if not all) the bunnies I aim at :yes:


Trust me when I say "When your confidance is up, your marksmanship improves"' then its a cycle, confidance grows, performance improves and so on and so forth......



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