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Smallest dog preban coursing

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post-27365-127187944803_thumb.jpgpost-27365-127187951286_thumb.jpghere is couple of photos of a bitch i bred 25 years ago. this bitch was 3quarter greyhound quarter saluki. this bitch was 22half tts and the fastest dog i have ever owned or seen run,and she could stay on as well.she killed 3 out of3 many times.the same little bitch one plenty of the big shows in the under 23inch class.
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do you mb and have you been out with his dog ? and how many dogs dose he run beside he white land rover think he lost the lamping comp to a much better dog pal

i dont think many people buy collie x if they are only to be used on longears imo


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had a bitch some years ago ,she was bred out of a bitch called bullit ,to a saluki dog,not a pretty bich but could run and stay ,,,her name was bungle ,ran her on the fens killed 3s,4s,deadly on the lamp as well ,only 23tths ,also my good friend del had a bitch called sally ,,,only 22tths ,again a very good hare bitch ,she was put to a saluki dog called zack ,produced a dog called boss ,was a good hare dog ,

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Guest dazzb
  On 21/04/2010 at 20:20, timber said:

just noticed all my posts have been deleted from this thread, can't understand why. could anyone explain, pm me if prefared Thanks.

i was just thinkin that timber, i thought i was going mad, at least give the lad an explenation, i didnt see anything wrong with his post's

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Guest welshman
  On 21/04/2010 at 19:42, samba said:

had a 23tts bitch a few yrs ago now killed loads of hares

got her of my friend brush she was out of DELS LUKEX J PREISTLTYS

SALLY really quick up/and at em type also great alround bitch

bred her to whippet/ghd sam the man

so lads off her had the pups well pleased wi em :thumbs:



the sister to your bitch was R DOES mouse good gambling bitch :thumbs:

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Guest welshman
  On 21/04/2010 at 19:40, poacher3161 said:

Has any body off this site seen the old dogs off T.Mcphee run years ago???Endless stamina and NO saluki bloodthumbs.gif



del saw them run very good littal dogs 20 1/2 inchs nail hares for fun :thumbs: lad bought one off t mcphee brought it down killed plenty

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  On 20/04/2010 at 21:05, berty1 said:

Ihave only ever known and seen collie/whip/greys working at what they are best at, rabbits on the lamp. I hear of people reminising about how there collie X used to kill hares in there hundreds over a season and the big flat land. No disrespect here to anyone but they are dreams. I am not saying to kill the odd hare here and there but to just go out strictly hare coursing with a collie/whippet/Greyhound on fenland. :clapper::clapper::thumbs:


Getting back to the topic seriously, My nephew has a good bitch always ko`ing 2/3 3/3 in the dead of winter and she is just 23" tts

its quite clear, you have not seen a good collie x work, A wee bitch called Tinker 23" Red Fawn, could Hunt a field off the road, and carry back up into the van or car, she killed Hares, all over this country, another one of mine, bred from a first x collie bitch, to a 3/4 Grey 1/4 collie, could murder a Hare, speed, brain, and Stamina, coursing time no more than 1 and half minutes, the Saluki x was a very poor, dog in the 70s but with selective breeding, they have come to the top, but DO not under estimate a good collie x

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