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Smallest dog preban coursing

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do you mb and have you been out with his dog ? and how many dogs dose he run beside he white land rover think he lost the lamping comp to a much better dog pal

i dont think many people buy collie x if they are only to be used on longears imo


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  On 21/04/2010 at 15:21, timber said:
  On 21/04/2010 at 14:48, adamb20 said:

That's,the exact hight and weight of my beddy whipp collie grey when she fit. Don't think I would dare take up that challenge like but I can believe it for a one off any day.

don't think it would be a one off adam , i've witnessed this bitch track deer, retrieve fox both single handed countless hares and a endless amount of rabbits, maybe the dogs a one off best ive ever seen :notworthy::notworthy:

is it a collie x???? and dog ,or bitch i would of loved to see that match bet a few where jumping

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i read the thread it was a bit of a laugh good crack etc ,i was invited to go down with the cornwall mafia but was not a loud it would had been good crack ,just to see the we dogs run ,nothing new tho look at old sleightys katie milly my luke they were not hare dogs but could cacth a hare they were collie grew type ,22 to 24 but were very handy ,alot of saluks are not the best hare dogs as are a lot of collie types but if the have the [bANNED TEXT] breeding and very fit and willing theyll show alot of bigger dogs up at times , saw it done and not on a silly comp just every day running ,but then sometimes the big dogs show the wee dogs up some nites ,just the way things are

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i dont no how good the good big un was was ,if its in the class of like sniper and dogs of that ilk or my old mates dogs or some of the good dogs ive had ,i dont no what age the mileses dog was etc and how good it was ,but it can happen a good little one will beat the big one some nites ,i keep to type of lurchers ,and over a season of big feild hunting the big one will catch more only beacause he has the height leg room some nites but if smaller feilds or the qaurry close there no diffrence if the small ones are bred [bANNED TEXT] for the job .i saw big dogs get beateb ith real good smaller dogs butt he smaller dogs had grade a racing blood and in there prime and real fit with plenty catches under there belt ,it makes a diffrence fitness and catching ability no matter what size of dog

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to my knowledge the bigger dog was half decent as he got sold on for a few gss , so he must had been not bad dog so the little dog must had been good two for sure ,what i did notice with the small real fast dogs were i live when i ran them hard year in year out they got lame jionts went a bit were some of my saluks who had the leg to get up there didnt have to dig in and were a lot sounder after 2 or 3 hard seasons ,t me if your out alot you need a dog thats sound feet and jiont wise as big runs on hard land punish real fast smaller dogs at times ,just the way it goes ,if you keep them [bANNED TEXT] and run when the grounds [bANNED TEXT] the smal dogs will be fine but run them when the grounds hard they soon lame up ,i think that why alot of men prefer the saluk types one natural good feet jionts stamina ,etc lighter running style to last all winter on the fen ,me i like two type one like the smaller colie grew and one bigger like the saluks and some in etwwen the two of them ,such is life ,saw alot of pure saluks and there crosses no good same with some colie types just the way it is and the way they throw at times

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rumopurs and sometimes some peole are blind ,or maybe it was alate starter and found its feet had adsaluk once cross took till fourteen month to start catching hares ,was a bit worried but it came strong in the end and became a good allrounder dont no enough about the miles dog ,heard enough about the cornwall mafias dogs they used to be on here every nite with bags of rabbits and rossetes for racing i dont no how manybnraces they one but they used to give himt hemoney before the races started i thing the one quite alot good litle dogs ive been lucky to have simliar type so i new whats in there tank so to speak

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had a 23tts bitch a few yrs ago now killed loads of hares

got her of my friend brush she was out of DELS LUKEX J PREISTLTYS

SALLY really quick up/and at em type also great alround bitch

bred her to whippet/ghd sam the man

so lads off her had the pups well pleased wi em :thumbs:

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