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Anybody used prometheus pellets 177

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Hi, mate.


If you mean the steel core nylon skirt ones, I used them years back but not in PCPs. I never found a gun that liked them (.177 or .22). They are very light, just under 6 grains if I remember right, and so may not be too good in a PCP for that reason alone. They penatrate well at close range but slow down very quickly in flight due to their light weight.


If you mean the newer Dynamics however then yes, I'd deffo give them a go. I use the TM1's in my Diana 52, Xocet and Tracker and they all love them. My 410c's a big fan of the PCP2's. If your gun likes them, they fly very well and hit very hard.



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The plastic skirts tend to leave a thready residue in the bore of the barrel, not good for accuracy :no:


I tried the .177's in my co2 and air pistols :yes: never again :no:


Tried the .22 in my PCP and it was the only pellet to penetrate the steel of my backstop :icon_eek: the hard nose worked a treat on the steel :yes: Would I try them on live quarry, :no: way too inaccurate.


The alloy pellets though, they appear to be much better :gunsmilie:



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OK thanks for your comments lads i was thinking this but i need some pellets that dont contain lead would anybody have any ideas of some. Whats the alloy ones you talk of phantom do you have a name for them. Any other ideas of non lead pellets would be good if any body knows of any.




P.S sorry i put in wrong section mods ill try remember next time LOL

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OK thanks for your comments lads i was thinking this but i need some pellets that dont contain lead would anybody have any ideas of some. Whats the alloy ones you talk of phantom do you have a name for them. Any other ideas of non lead pellets would be good if any body knows of any.




P.S sorry i put in wrong section mods ill try remember next time LOL

THUNDER BOLT think they'r made of zinc and only 10gr iv'e never tried um :no:

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