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19_April What a night! For all the wrong reasons!

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Hey guy's,


I had a few stalks around the paddock, all drew a blank, got miffed as I'd seen dozens of fluffies when I arrived and aint it just typical! They all went to ground:(

Sooo I decided to have a couple of trips round the cemy :D


Saw a few fluffies and the big old black cat! The one that watches and then jumps 6 feet in the air squealing when it gets close to bugs :laugh:


I had a chance at a kit, about 40 yards, but had to get closer, sneaking around the headstones, I got to within 30 and lined up the shot, bunny took to its toes heading straight for me; then it hung a sharp right and vanished into the old ladies garden.

A dog that was being walked past the cemy had barked at the cat, the cat legged it in my direction, the cat scared the kit and that was that.


Later on another wander into the cemy, I saw two full grown adults come out of the old ladies garden (scared the crap out of me they did) and they legged it not more than 20 yards in front of me right across to the new part! They are after fresh flowers me thinks! So off I trott eager for a shot.

Get to the new section, no bunnies :no: Where the feck did they go :hmm:


My final trip around the cemy was when it was dark, about 21:30. I saw a couple of bunnies vanishing through the fence, but as I made my way down the centre of the cemy, a bright orange spot near the fence caught my eye.

I was using the orange quality street filter folded over four times to dim it down a bit. I had the scope on 3 mag and the spot seemed to vanish!

Then suddenly it appeared again in the exact same spot. I knew this range perfectly 29 yards :D


Standing I took up the 1st stage and continued the pressure as I held my breath, click phut CRACK and it was down but not out Feck!!

I had to run over and swiftly take the bunny by the head and rear legs giving both a constant pull away from each other and twisting the head up and back to finish it off.

The pellet had decimated the front of the brain as it travelled in one side and out of the other side of the head, but it had not touched the part that would have brought an instant death :(




Some of you will remember this from last year:




Well guess what?


That was a big ole buck with a big ole lump on his ass that was correctly (or so the general consensus was)


diagnosed as a Tapeworm cyste.

Well the one I got in the cemetery must have been his missus, cuz she had a big ole lump on her ass as well :yes: Actually she was a fairly young Doe and the lump was on the other side of her ass!


I skinned her the way I read how to do it on an American site (very different to how we do it in the UK) about


preserving bunnie pelts. This left the doe with just fur around her feet, head and tail.


I could see some of the eggs in the cyste but it wasn't as full as the old buck from last year.

Obviously I was not going to be eating this meat, so I decided to open her up and have a looksee at the internal organs for signs of disease.


Internals were pretty much healthy and upon moving the intestines, I noticed 5 bulbous sack's Larger than the ones in the last doe I gutted (who had a gamy liver) I felt these and they had hardish lumps in them.


I opened the 1st and found an embryonic bunny :icon_eek:, I did the same with the other 4 and found four more embryonic bunnies!


(of course some will disagree with this)

I got me 6 Bunnies with one Pellet!

These FX 16Grainers are bloody good



Here's the pic's


Bunny in the cemetery




Blood loss from the mouth and nose!




Bunny skinned the North American Homesteaders way, quick and easy to do as well :D




This looks suspiciously like Tapeworm; like that old buck's lump :yes:




Opening the lump and yes, I was correct




Its a shame about the TW, the heart, liver and lungs look healthy, as did the kidneys (sorry no pix of the kidneys) this Doe would have made good eating if it were not for the TW.



For those of you that have never seen this in a bunny before, the intestines are self explanitory, the little lumps on the long creamy coloured tube is the uterine sacks, these contain the developing embryo's.




Each of the uterine sack's contain the amniotic sack that encases the embryo. Here we have the contents of the sacks. NOTE: The one on the lower right, was not developing as well as the other four. I remember years ago we had a kitten born all miss-shapen due to non correct development. It died at birth.




I won't put up the ballistic wounds as it was a straight through and through, sadly not causing a lights out switch off :oops: but the animal was dead within a few seconds.




Edited by Phantom
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Hi guy's Thanks for the replies :yes:


It takes a fair bit of research to find a lot of info on stuff like this :yes:

So if I can help others newbies and even experianced then its a good thing.

I've had lots of help here and I do my best to help others, (story of my life!)


I've had some very manky animals from here and elsewhere and some I certainly wouldn't like to eat knowing what I know now :bad:


The worst one I've had was from the cemetery also. Looks like it had survived the initial dose of RHD :yes:


I'll find the link to it, but it was so ill, that the flies on the guts of the couple of healthy bunnies, left their feeding and immediately went to the diseased bunny!



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Carl and Andy


I tracked down a couple of my earlier posts, that you may find educational :yes:


Again Graphic, but they give a good heads up if you come across such like in the field :thumbs:




This one is the worst I have come across :bad: No way was I going to carry out an autopsy on this,

I can still smell it now when I read it again YUK!




Phantom (Tony)

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great write up phantom


i shot one other day with 4 in but they was a little more grown i feel sorry for the poor bugas so i have packed up for a few week let them at least be born then i will have my fun with the kits



great info write up to thanks



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Carl and Andy


I tracked down a couple of my earlier posts, that you may find educational :yes:


Again Graphic, but they give a good heads up if you come across such like in the field :thumbs:




This one is the worst I have come across :bad: No way was I going to carry out an autopsy on this,

I can still smell it now when I read it again YUK!




Phantom (Tony)

nice that mate thanks for the link.

in regards to the smelly bunnie, i had this a few times when i worked in a pet shop.

its a very infectious desiese that gos from bunnie to bunnie like wild fire. cant rember the name of it now sorry.

we had cages all next to each other in a row, id come in some mornings and the bunnies would just be sat there looking at a bowl full of food shakeing,when you picked them up they just sat there,and they always had runnie eyes and dioreah. knowing what this was we would have to neck them all befor it went any further and then do some serious scrubbing of the cages, ah well the snakes dident mind. wish i could tell you the name of it.

thanks for the links tho very good reading as always mate.

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Hiya Tony.


Great write up mate, enjoyed the read very much.

Im gutted though, because I cant see the pictures :unsure::hmm: wonder why that is??






Hey bill,

What Browser are you using? I have a feeling you have the "Porn Filter" turned on, they work by determining the amount of pinkish (near flesh colour) colour in an image and wont display them!


Can you see any of the pic's in the post, like the full bunny in the cemy or the head shot?


Worz :11: love it :yes:


Airgunner: Yeah I must admit, I felt the same, but in the cemy, its a case of if it eats flowers or scratches and has big ears, it gets shot :yes:

I can be a little more choosey on the Paddock ;)


Aaron: Glad you find them interesting, thank you :yes:

The old homesteaders way is pretty easy you cut around the hind legs at the knee joint, then make one cut from one thigh to the other, pull the pelt away from the hind legs and then hold or hang the hind legs and then pull the pelt straight down, it will come away in one the front paws will tear at the joint and you can pull hard enough to take it right off over the head (or cut around the head @ the neck).

This leaves the entire pelt inside out and looking like a sleeve (of sorts) it also leaves the guts inside the body cavity until you wish to open it and remove them.

I must admit, I like it this way rather than gutting 1st then having to peel the skin from the belly loins and work my hand under the skin and round the back, then messing around to pull the legs through individually :yes:



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