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Some rabbit control today

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Back to the Re vamped farm complex to try and bag a few more. It was just me the two jills and the pup today.


I started late in the day, 10am, as i arrived there were a few bunnys bouncing about :victory:


I started by netting up the nettle bed, then ran the long net around it.



Leaving that to rest i went and netted up the compost area and the roadside holes



Going back to the nettle bank i entered the two jills, post-30866-127169265206_thumb.jpg and in no time at all the rabbits were bolting in spectacular fashion, taking off like rockets only to be pulled back down to earth when the draw cord reaches it's limit. The pup waited with the long net as his lesson on nettles was still fresh in his mind :yes:



It took relatively little time to complete todays job, as there were few warrens on the property itself, with the majority of the rabbits coming over from the riverbank, the other side of the neighbours field :censored:


Anyway, i was there for only 3 1/2 hours and managed a total of 14 rabbits, two of which were youngsters. no digging at all and the pup caught and retrieved a young rabbit live to hand, only a 40yrd retrieve but its a bloody good start.



So thats 38 rabbits off the property in a week, the land owners are over the moon. I'll stick up the EOD on another post, ran out of room here,






Edited by longdog13
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