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right lads some advise please am lookin ov gettin my first lurcher soon i was thinkin ov a collie whip grey as my mates mate is breddin some what hight would these dogs be and what can i expect from then. advise welcome on eny other dogs you think would surt me. this dog will be runnin mostley rabbit but al so other things thanks for lookin boys :thumbs: a bit ov a alrounder am lookin for

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right lads some advise please am lookin ov gettin my first lurcher soon i was thinkin ov a collie whip grey as my mates mate is breddin some what hight would these dogs be and what can i expect from then. advise welcome on eny other dogs you think would surt me. this dog will be runnin mostley rabbit but al so other things thanks for lookin boys :thumbs: a bit ov a alrounder am lookin for

most people are looking for abit of anallrounder mate collie x would do most things but can be abit cowardley when things bight back :victory:

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am not to worrid about that mate as it wont be run to mutch on things that bite back but could you tell me what the whippit ads to this breed is it just size :thumbs:

notheres plenty of thing that whippet adds turning ability fiestyness although id say got too a good breeder lads on here will help you more than i can :victory: good luck

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go for a line bred colliex, any thing lurcher to lurcher . :thumbs: As long as the parents are good workers, your in with a chance,.Most colliexs will be good rabbit dogs day+night.they are more of alrounder lurcher than a secialist,on quarry :yes:

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