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What does your dog mean to you

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I've been through thick and thin with the dog I got at the moment. Its fed my family and mates, earned us a few quid when we've been skint and guarded us. I understand people moving dogs on if they don't get on with them though as with any relationship its torture if you don't get on for whatever reason. Its a shame though that some people keep blaming the dog for their lack of success rather than trying to improve their own skills in working and handling dogs.I run a dog for the love of it and at the end of the day if I just wanted a tool to do the job I'd get a gun

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I've just lost my dog (Moses) of nearly 14 years. Other than my family, he was my longest relationship! We went through good times and bad, but he was always there - happy to see me, always patient and not complaining of my failures. It's clear to me that regardless of the reason I originally got him, he wormed his way into my heart in a way that few other people have.


He was a true friend and I'm a soppy sod.


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I totally agree mate, i'd have my pup sleeping at the foot of my bed if the wife would let me ! lol


Wait till its bigger and wants the full bed :boxing:


My dogs are part of the family,the terrier hates my oldest son but loves the other two,then theres the lurcher that aint intrested in anyone but me,keeps my chair warm when i get up. :notworthy:


If they turned out to be shit workers i would keep them as they are just as much pets as workers and going out for a mooch is always good when the wifes on her high horse or the hangovers kicking in.

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my dogs mean the world to me i have 3 dogs two terrier pups and a lab/lurcher the pups sleep outside in their kennel but they be in the house all day my lab x has the run of the house she lays on the sofa beside me watchen tv {untill the missus comes in from work} she sleeps at the side of my bed [on her own wee bed] they are on the beach 3times a day [its only a two min walk from my house] and they are fed on steak and chicken. i feel i owe my dogs a good life cos they are doing what they are expected the pups have started on rats and are doing great and my lab x retrevies birds an catches + retrevies rabbits and is a very obedient and loyal dog so i think the least i can do for them is make their life as comfortable as i can anyone that has a proper bond with their dogs will do what ever it takes to keep their dogs fit strong and healthy and the rewards from the dogs are not just in the work they do for me my reward is is knowing they trust and respect me [and the silly stuff they do about the house] :icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface: its a bit of a silly reply but thats the way i feel about my dogs :icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface:


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my dogs mean the world to me i have 3 dogs two terrier pups and a lab/lurcher the pups sleep outside in their kennel but they be in the house all day my lab x has the run of the house she lays on the sofa beside me watchen tv {untill the missus comes in from work} she sleeps at the side of my bed [on her own wee bed] they are on the beach 3times a day [its only a two min walk from my house] and they are fed on steak and chicken. i feel i owe my dogs a good life cos they are doing what they are expected the pups have started on rats and are doing great and my lab x retrevies birds an catches + retrevies rabbits and is a very obedient and loyal dog so i think the least i can do for them is make their life as comfortable as i can anyone that has a proper bond with their dogs will do what ever it takes to keep their dogs fit strong and healthy and the rewards from the dogs are not just in the work they do for me my reward is is knowing they trust and respect me [and the silly stuff they do about the house] :icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface: its a bit of a silly reply but thats the way i feel about my dogs :icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface:


thank you :thumbs:

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