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What does your dog mean to you

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my two are like my kids lol, i dont have no kids and never want any. but i must admit if i got a lurcher that was no good i would pass it to a pet home. doesnt need to be no super dog, but a decent, honest hardworking dog thats loves to please is all. but i think it would be very rare to get a lurcher with half decent breeding and a decent owner that wouldnt make a decent dog. i think some one who can just pass there dog on without a second thought never had a goo enough bond for the dog to work properly in the first place.

Edited by adamb20
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my dogs mean the world to me i have 3 dogs two terrier pups and a lab/lurcher the pups sleep outside in their kennel but they be in the house all day my lab x has the run of the house she lays on the sofa beside me watchen tv {untill the missus comes in from work} she sleeps at the side of my bed [on her own wee bed] they are on the beach 3times a day [its only a two min walk from my house] and they are fed on steak and chicken. i feel i owe my dogs a good life cos they are doing what they are expected the pups have started on rats and are doing great and my lab x retrevies birds an catches + retrevies rabbits and is a very obedient and loyal dog so i think the least i can do for them is make their life as comfortable as i can anyone that has a proper bond with their dogs will do what ever it takes to keep their dogs fit strong and healthy and the rewards from the dogs are not just in the work they do for me my reward is is knowing they trust and respect me [and the silly stuff they do about the house] :icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface: its a bit of a silly reply but thats the way i feel about my dogs :icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface:

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i think the dogs i keep should be kept well and i grow very attached to them i must admit. they spend nigh on 24/7 with me from watching tv,making nets(they just can't cast off :icon_redface: ),and they sleep at the bottom of the bed(lurcher on the floor but the terrier sneaks between my feet when the mrs is asleep :icon_redface: ).


i have no problem with the dogs being so close to me,i have the problems when people treat a dog like a person or substitute for something else.

my dogs are dogs and it stays that way as long as i'm sane!

if they are in medical trouble then i will do my best to help them and if i can't do anymore then the time is come to do the right thing,indeed i wish it were that way for me (when i'm mad,incontinent and frustrated with it all maybe someone can do the same for me,i don't mean after 15 pints of guiness).


as the sying goes "work them hard and treat them like heros".



very good company,but a dogs a dog.




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my dogs are me mates, my allies,you get a bond between man and dog that is only yours and only you and them will ever know that, like me grandfer used to say"you can love a dog, but you can never love a woman",their not just a hobby their a way of life.

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dogs are ny life. and i could not imagine life with out them there always been terriers in my life and always will be there my best freinds , and they are the loyalest companions you can ever have, give them 100 per cent and they will give youu 200, you can probaly count on one hand your true freinds but the dog beats them all hands down............ heres to the dogs past and present we salute you :notworthy: :notworthy:

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me terrier was bought as a worker but now she get's treat better in the house than i do! me lucher was got for graft only BUT he's still a big part of the family (he follows me 7year old little lad around constantly), yeah my dog's are family member's but have work to do just like me :thumbs: .

atb natter

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Dogs are my family first "ever extending family " :whistling: Thay live in the house and are all different in there own ways, The old collie still works my sheep, and the shepards do a great job of guarding, the Deerhounds are great to watch run and a bonus if thay catch any thing, But thay all enjoy a good hunt down in the woods not quite the usual pack, but thay work well together and enjoy life, and hopefully i can get my new lurcher working on the lamp and post some pics :whistling: .I am always a soft touch and squeeze in a unwanted one here and there, but if quality of life is not there any more than in my eyes i do the right thing and thay are put to sleep, no doggy wheel chairs ! ATB Denise

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Well I must admit I'm pleasantly surprised at the lack of 'hard man' comments on this thread thus far. Makes a nice change :thumbs:


Mine live in, and are part of the family. For a lot of reasons I will not expand on, these dogs have basically saved my life - without them I would be a desparately loney and unhappy person. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't get out and see the things I see. They are my solace, my entertainment, my pals... and the source of several headaches :laugh: Having them opened up the English countryside for me. I've met so many fabulous people I wouldn't have met if I didn't have them. For that they get my commitment, my love, my admiration and a lot of my time.


You get what you give, as they say.

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