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my first buck of 2010

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since the beginning of the buck season ive been spending alot of evenings and early mornings stalking and observing suitable areas for bucks with no success at all other than does and young bucks in velvet.on about the 6th trip out i found a nice suitable buck feeding in a quiet corner of fresh grass and decided the shot was to be taken at a range of roughly 120 yards i was shooting of the sticks which iam normally very comfortable with but this time i felt what i now learn from johnrobbos post is called buck fever, weather i was over confidant or lacking concentration iam not sure but the shot missed and the buck was gone in a flash. (a lesson to be learnt as a beginner to stalking)


after another few evenings stalking i found a group of 4 roe deer feeding in a grass field not to far from the road running through my patch. after watching the deer for about half an hour and generally just enjoying the sight of the deer in the evening sun i decided i would try and stalk in a little closer to within 100 yards using the available hedges as cover. it wasnt long before i was in a range of 80 yards and in the prone position using the bipod readying for a shot on a buck that was clearly going back and not long out of velvet. i looked up just to confirm the position of all the deer in the field and got a quick glance of a deer crossing the far gateway,i used the binoculars to assess what it was and instantly saw that this was a good buck that i would like to take however 5 seconds later he was out of sight and never to be seen again that evening.


i then put in a couple more evenings attempting to find this buck with no avail until this morning when finally i hit some luck. as soon as i pulled up in my usual parking spot i could see a deer run across a far field and into some thick marshy reeds so got all my stuff together and decided to stalk this unknown deer. using a hedge as some cover to approach from i got level with where the deer went into the reeds and moved through the hedge i imediately saw that this was the buck directly oposite me in the field grazing but moving quickly to the far hedge. i soon got into the prone position on the bipod again and with the thoughts of my last attempt at a shot i slowed my breathing concentrated and squeezed the trigger, with some of the buck covered with the height of the reeds i placed a perfect bullet in the top of the shoulder and dropped him instantly with showers of hair flying into the air.


after giving it 10 minutes ensuring no movements i approached the down buck which had not moved at all from where the shot was taken. anyways here is the buck. all the hours put into it were well worth it with some enjoyable stalks with the old man and gladly not a repeat of my buck fever.



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thats a lovely buck and im really jealous

ive accounted for 16 bucks this month and never pulled the trigger on any of them.


thanks for the comment john just been watching your videos on youtube and iam definately jeolous of you great videos! :notworthy:

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