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  On 17/04/2010 at 07:02, mikey said:

been offered the chance to join a couple of shooting syndicates and just wandered what people are paying for the season how many bird days how many days shooting etc cheers mike

Theres alot of diff' factors mate......number of birds put down, is there going to be a keeper on the place or are the syndicate all chipping in, how much is the rent..?

You would be better telling us some facts and what you have to pay mate and we might be able to see if your on too a winner. :thumbs:

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It depends very much on whether the shoots are keepered or run on a DIY basis.


If keepered, work on the basis of £30 per bird shot. If DIY, work on the basis of £17 per bird shot.


So, for example, if it is a keepered shoot offering a syndicate of 8 Guns 10 200-bird days, then you would expect to pay about £7500 per Gun (probably with VAT on top).


If it was a DIY shoot, offering a syndicate of 16 Guns 10 100-bird days on a "walk one, stand one basis", then you might expect to pay about £1100 each.


You can work it out yourself for any example in between.

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