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Now then you airgunners, as some of you already know I have obtained a little more permission from a land owner that I used to do a bit for, who dropped me for some over inflated professional pest controler, who has since gone bust, and after the way I was treated, I'm glad :feck: So he rang me last week to see if I could sort some rabbits out for him that this guy had left to go ape shit, so I told him to get stuffed, I said that I could not afford to do his land and all the genuine land owners too, and that I was staying with the landowners that looked after me, in truth they fell out over prices. And as you lads know, it can be a ball ache at times when landowners are ringing you about a plague of five rabbits terrorizing his crops, which you have to sort one way or an other, and all you want to do is chill out and whack a few bunnies at your own speed. So yesteday he rang me again to see If I would reconsider the situation, he said he would give me an account at the local garage for a set amount of fuel per month :o To say I was stunned would be an understatment, I took this to be a sort of appology, and met up with him, he sorted my fuel account at the garage, then we jumped into HIS truck to take a look :) Anyway, I decided to go and have a sit with the HW100T and see what the score was, And this is where it went a little pear shaped, as I pulled up my gun slipped off the back seat of my Freelander and crashed into the front seats. So the choice was to take the gun home and make sure the zero was ok, or try and get it somewere near out in the field, I chose the second option, first I decided a nice distance from the corner warren which I fancied having a session on, then set the zero on bits of stones at the same distance, sorted :) In the first pic you can see a hedge line, field on one side, and busy road on the other.




There are two nice sized warrens, one is on the bare patch you can see, and the other is in the corner of the field at the bottom.










Her are some pix of the damage the rabbits are doing to the banks behind the hedge, the rabbits are starting to burrow heavily into the footings under the tarmac, the other guy said he would not touch those rabbits because he would get grief from the highways department, and that it was thier job to sort them out. The landowner asked how I was going to get around this problem, to which I replied, shoot some of the f**kers, and fenn the rest, which seemed to put a smile on his face.



In the next pic you can see the second bare patch caused by the corner warrens inhabitants.




In this next pic I'm stood looking at the hedge I set up in from the field side :)




And this is looking out from the spot I shot from :)




The first occupant of corner warren popped out from his roadside hotel to guzzle some corn shoots, and was stopped abrubtly by a Superdome. After picking the rabbit up I noticed that my aim seemed a little off, and put that down to pilot error :(

Anyway, I could hear something rustle in the hedge next to me, so I swung the gun in it general direction, and out popped a bunnie with a look of shock on its face, but not as big a shock as it was going to get :D I decided to leave it where it fell so I would not upset the other hedge dwellers, the plan being to pick up after the session :) I was'nt long before another customer of roadside hotel popped out for lunch, so beining as he was hungry I fed him some lead, over he went into the long dead grass. It went really quiet, no rustling or movement for nearly a hour, so while it was quiet I decided to pickup my quarry, but to my dismay, they had gone, there were holes right by where they were shot, but I felt I had nailed both bunnies bang on, so I started to wonder if the sights were out, which saw me packing up, if in doubt, leave it out. I'm begining to think this land is jinxed, for me anyway. So in the morning when its light I will re-zero in the garden just to make sure, so all and all a piss poor session with only the one rabbit bagged :( And here he is







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A quick update about the lost rabbits, been up there this morning with the dog and found one of them, and theres a pile of fluff where something found the other, checked the sights and they're fine, was worried they were damaged :)

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Great going Buddy :clapper:


Looking at the pic of the 1st one your sights were defo on or extremely close to being on zero :yes:


Glad I'm not the only one who's had one knicked this week.


Looking at the land its gonna provide much fun and games for you and no big fooking Bull to chase you into ditches :laugh: :laugh:


Enjoy your shooting Stealthy looking forward to reading of your results :yes:



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