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hw recoiless springer ?

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hi ya everyone

The project is a total recoilless HW97k with a handmade stock from olive tree.

i have just seen this what do you think ?





Hi Shay,

Even the best recoilless sleds transfere some recoil :yes:


And as for what I think?


I think someone need to learn a few more f :censored: g chords on the guitar :doh:

Dont get me wrong, I love Bad to the Bone but after sitting through 1 minute and thirty seconds of the opening chords I wanna f :censored: g scream :thumbdown:



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I think someone got a milling machine for x-mas and has lots of free time on their hands!!!!


Really though, that does look like a top class bit of kit. Sliding action a la FWB300 taget rifle, RWS54 and some sh1te old ASI, Statical I think.


Hats off to whoever made it.



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hunting....... :icon_eek: the man was wearing latex gloves just to hold it!! :rofl:


Yeah I did want to mention that, but I just didn't want to sound tooooooo bitchy :angel:



:tongue2: yeah yeah mr phantom!! im sorry.... if you make a video that has 2 HOURS of ''da dada da da'' and then show off the fact that your wearing latex gloves just to hold the thing then something is wrong!! im not taking away the fact that its a gorgeous looking thing and the time spent doing it must have been immense but maybe im just to ruff n ready??? :gunsmilie:

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lovely work, i reckon it'd last a week in my ham fists tho...

atb, wurz

ya awsome looking bit of kit but why not just spend the money on a new pcp no recoil without the grief. not to mension the weight that he could save ye old hw never the lightest guns in the world.

fair play to the chap tho looks like hes put the love into doing it. would love to no how hes managed it.

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Just my two penneth.



Maybe heavey.

Make a nice wall mount.


In short.......YEUCK!! :no:




+1 :yes:


Impressive re-engineering, but it goes way too far IMO. For example, what's the point in having the upward facing muzzle break? Those things are on sniper rifles so that the hot gases expand out of them and thrust the barrel down to counter barrel flip. Maybe it's just me but I've never known a spring powered air rifle to produce enough muzzle blast to make this effective, even with half a can of WD40 sprayed down the fecker in an attempt at dieseling! :laugh:


I'm not against modding don't get me wrong, but I'd prefer something that adds to the working of the gun over style themed mods, all the way. :thumbs:

Edited by maltenby
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