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Low mag scope?

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Hi all, I do a lot of shooting at close range, mostly shooting rats and feral pigeons in farm buildings. I never seem to take shots longer than 30 yards so I don't need a high mag scope. Often with my bushnell trophy 3x9x40 the targets are blurred at close ranges, sometimes less than 10 yards. The open sights are ok but difficult to use in darkened farm buildings. I was thinking of getting a light weight low magnification scope. Nothing with a bigger lense that 32mm. Something like 1.5-2x mag would work. I was looking at the simmons whitetail classic 1.5x5x20, looks good for what I want. What does everybody think of this scope? what alternatives are there? Don't want to pay more than £150.

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Hi, mate.


I'd go with Aaron's sugestion, I've used one of those for a few years now and I really can't fault it. I've a Simmons 1.5-5x32 as well and that's a nice little scope too. I prefer the JSR though.



Edited by andyfr1968
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All good sugestions thanks everyone. Zini I found the simmons on uttings for £99. I don't mind spending a bit for a good scope that will last for years. I go rabbiting sometimes too but I think all the scopes mentioned will do for that too. Only use one gun and I hardly ever need to shoot past 30 yards. Keep the sugestions coming...

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JSR have the WTC 1.5-5x20 (PX pre-set at 100 yards? Not ideal) listed at £89.99. I'd still go for their 2-7x32 that they list....




Edit.... It really is a very nice, cheap, strong little scope. I used to use one on an FAC rated RWS52 that stuck out 32ft-lbs and broke a couple of big name scopes. The JSR worked very well for a good few years and it got a lot of use back then, never let me down. They've been selling it for a very long time. That one went when I sold that gun years back but I bought another a couple of years ago and it's still just as good.

Edited by andyfr1968
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If you fancy changing now and again,


Then Ratting is ideally suited to a red dot zero mag, not the laser ones (or even one up to 2 mag) would be good for you.

Then when you need it your own scope for bunny bashing.



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Great sugestions so far but I want to make sure I have considered all options before buying so what does everyone think of the nikko stirling air king 2x7x32? It has adjustable parralax. On my bushnell trophy parralax is a bit of a problen because it is set for 100 yards so thats a plus point.

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