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One Day Too Late......

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alex i hope you get on the wardens team sounds like an excellent opportunity.i am going to be looking for more permissions myself soon.p.s.i am sending my valve of to drum today to have it modded with a custom stem and hat new delrin valve tip and custom return spring. also a spring and hammer set,next after that is the 24 inch barrel. how long did drum take with your o ring mod mate.he doesnt live to far from me only a hundred odd miles.any way i'll keep you posted on how it performs when i get it back.so its out with the weihrauch for a few days-no hardship there.got a nice bunny with the storm yesterday 25 yard headshot instant lights out just the way it should be. i spoke to drum about having an o ring machined into the hammer face and he said he doesnt do that mod as it saps power and gives an inconsistent strike so let me know how you get on with that.ok cheers alex i hope the m.o.d. permission is a goer that will give you all the shooting you will ever need


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Goos look Alex buddy :thumbs:


Keep at it and im sure something will come up soon.


Its all word of mouth and as soon as the land owners see you doing a good job they will pass your details on and more permissions follow.



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cheers si :thumbs: i didnt hear anything today but he did say could take a couple of weeks but im on the list!! :boogie:


jay you wont be disappointed mate i am in chats with drum at the minute about the 24" barrel.... sorry to steel your thunder bud but when you said the other day a big light bulb light up above my head... wont be cheap tho!! already about £220 :icon_eek: so i might wait to hear on this permission first.... as my mate has offered me his AA s300 for £250 so would be mental just to spend that on a barrel?? but it would finish off my gunpower storm... :hmm:


:clapper: well done stealthy!! :thumbs: its a great feeling to get a new permission!! more write ups on the new permission soon then???? :thumbs:


phantom.... hows those crossed pellets coming along?? :tongue2::thumbs:


cheers guys and fingers crossed!!

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Last night those crossed pellets were making me very cross :censored: having to rezero for new pellets in wind, not a single pellet on pellet! and a 4 inch group to start with :thumbdown: but got it down to a one inch as the barrel became accustomed tot he new lead :yes: and the wind lowered. (40 odd shots and only one at live quarry) Putting up another thread later!



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  • 2 weeks later...

well the warden phone me today and to say the least i was seriously excited when his number come up on me mobile!!! lads at work thought i'd won the lotto or something!!!!! anyway big downer!!!


he had spoken to his commander and all the places are full for 6 months so by the sounds even if someone drops out i still would have to wait till sept when the new paperwork happens but he seems like a craking bloke and just by chance my cousin's mate goes shooting with one of the licensed blokes anyway so i might try and get to know the lads on this license and fingers crossed for sept


guess the quad bike with gun rack and .22 rimmy will have to wait for a bit..... :cry:




i think i have managed to secure around 100 acres in kent this week!!! going up to see the farmer hopefully sunday... sort out the paperwork and maybe a little bottle of cheapo wine and a serious wayhay for that!! will post some picks soon all being well!!!

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Hi Alex.


At least your name is in their systems now buddy, roll on Sept.

Good luck for Sunday......hope all go's well for you :thumbs:





cheers bill, yeah i really hope it all comes together, if i get this land on sunday then it will be the biggest permission i have with a possible another 120 acres (dependant on game keeper) in the pipe line!! it would keep me very busy!! and might warrant a bit of a spend up on a multishot!!! :clapper: :clapper:


all the best guys

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Hi Alex.


At least your name is in their systems now buddy, roll on Sept.

Good luck for Sunday......hope all go's well for you :thumbs:





cheers bill, yeah i really hope it all comes together, if i get this land on sunday then it will be the biggest permission i have with a possible another 120 acres (dependant on game keeper) in the pipe line!! it would keep me very busy!! and might warrant a bit of a spend up on a multishot!!! :clapper: :clapper:


all the best guys



Bit of a spend on a multi shot a??.....have a look at the HW100 mate boooootifull :thumbs:

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Bit of a spend on a multi shot a??.....have a look at the HW100 mate boooootifull :thumbs:

funny you should say that...... was chatting to a friend of mine, the same one thats selling his s300 which i had a look at..... anyway his father runs a gun shop, he let it slip that he can get the hw100 for trade value for me.....??? :icon_eek: dam its tempting!!!! :icon_redface:

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Bit of a spend on a multi shot a??.....have a look at the HW100 mate boooootifull :thumbs:

funny you should say that...... was chatting to a friend of mine, the same one thats selling his s300 which i had a look at..... anyway his father runs a gun shop, he let it slip that he can get the hw100 for trade value for me.....??? :icon_eek: dam its tempting!!!! :icon_redface:



TRADE PRICE!!!....BE tempted :thumbs::D

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