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I f*cking hate politicians :realmad: see that wanky maneuver Cameron pulled the other night, talking about the child he lost!!!! f*****g shit head trying to win a few sympathy votes, just like that c*nt Brown tried to do not so long back.


They make me sick them low f*cking b*****ds :censored: .

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A hung Parliament is one where neither main party has an overall majority, and a third party holds the balance of power. In practice that would mean Labour backed up by the Lib Dems.   Not to be con

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I agree with that. we don't care about what terrible things have happened in their lives we want to hear about the bloody changes they are going to bring. Not of em have done that yet as per usual they are paralysed through fear of upsetting smaller groups of people instead of appealing to the masses.

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John Keswick wrote:





you scots obviously hold a grudge dont ya? You are talking about shit that happened 100s of years ago, get over it... You dont hear us banging on about how the Normans or Vikings invaded us.

Now as i previously stated, i am fine with Scotland being its own country, if thats what you want, then fine. BUT if you no longer want to be part of the UK then you should be completley self sufficient on all matters and not take hand outs from the english taxpayers! Thats reasonable enough isnt it? Or do you want to have your cake and eat it?

You have your own government that puts its people first, fine! Our government should not have ANY scottish people in it (you can have Gordon back), and it should look after english people.


I fully agree that England should have its own government and Scottish MP's in the UK Government should not have say in England only issues


As for your Government (English) "not having any Scottish people in it" (your words not mine!) show's a degree of racisism and arrogance? A Scot who resides in England say for 20 years, kids are born there could'nt stand in an English parliement? yet the Scottish parliement has English born Msp's (just show's were' more tolerant of our southern neighbours)



As for Gordon you can keep him!! the Scots never elected him either as Prime Minister

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  On 13/04/2010 at 16:01, Foxgun Tom said:

Looked at the link and read the thesis! my conclusion is, its a lot of pish and nonsense! nationalism in Scotland has nothing to do with religous bigotry! (fact!!). Over half of UK Labour's pledges in their current UK/national manifesto they can't carry out in Scotland? as those pledges are a matter for Scotlands devolved government and the Scottish tories have no chance of a good result here, at the minute they're only sitting with one mp in Westminster!!


John Keswick say's:


"Foxgun Tom, we talked previously about scotland and where that was heading, if you want out, that’s fine, but if your out, YOUR OUT, no more scrounging from england and english taxpayers and no interfering in our affairs.

You can pay for your own health system too, as your all so unfit and unhealthy and cost twice as much to keep alive as english folk."


Unfortunately John you show a fair degree of ignorance of the Scots, Scottish politics, Scottish/British history, the Scottish welfare and education systems


The Scottish people as a whole did not vote or take part in the decision to form or be part of a United Kingdom. England who was its primary partner also did not fulfill her obligations in the matter of the "Union of Parliements" check the link:http://www.scotshistoryonline.co.uk/union.html


Scotland does not depend only on the UK to survive as a democracy in the modern world.


We have a Nationalist government already thats putting it people first why then should we be dictated to by parties that don't hold a majority in Scotland??




Ps: don't you find it weird and unfair that the BNP and UKIP want to to realise the potential and independence of the UK as a whole and its ok for a huge number of the public, yet!!! when a large number of Scots want the same aims for Scotland "its a different kettle of fish?"


Pps: If the tories have no chance in Scotland and labour are corrupt! who do you think is the better option for Scotland?






  On 13/04/2010 at 14:48, Swampy said:
  On 13/04/2010 at 14:36, Foxgun Tom said:

As a comitted nationalist there's only one party for me!! "The Scottish Nationalist Party" I've voted for them since I was 18, I'm now a 112 years old



I had you down as a reasonably sane man.

When you were 18 a certain Wm gladsone was PM. Although born a scouse he once famously said that "there was not a drop of blood in his veins that is not scottish!"

Even then Gov't was run by a "sweaty" Oh how history repeats itself. Can't wait for the re run of Wm Wallace!







Not a drop of blood in my veins that is scottish.........lots of other drops but not scottish..........but I sometimes tell lies under pressure ning


PS good read below





the link was of someones thesis. A different take on events. Not a statement of facts.

However what you could disseminte from it though was that there was a clear religeous link.

Its debatable and one that needs far more cider on my part than is probably healthy.

I do also agree with Mr keswick.........to a degree. I am not adverse to scottish independence however it is a long way off and westminster will have to pay for it. BUT. I do believe that scotland must stand up and show that it is nnot prepared to take the "hand outs" from London and that it can be truely independent.

Recriminations over history will not help their case from either side of the border!


Best Rgds





Ninging the national anthem of GB

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  On 13/04/2010 at 18:05, Foxgun Tom said:

As for your Government (English) "not having any Scottish people in it" (your words not mine!) show's a degree of racisism and arrogance?


Your probably right, but to tell truth i dont give a f**k what people think of me, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, its all f****d. So who cares what someone says on a forum?


Maybe when i feel that english people arent being discriminated against, i will change my thinking!



  On 13/04/2010 at 18:05, Foxgun Tom said:

A Scot who resides in England say for 20 years, kids are born there could'nt stand in an English parliement? yet the Scottish parliement has English born Msp's (just show's were' more tolerant of our southern neighbours)

Tom, be honest now, you dont LIKE it though, do you?



  On 13/04/2010 at 18:05, Foxgun Tom said:

As for Gordon you can keep him!! the Scots never elected him either as Prime Minister

No thanks, you bred the f****r, you look after your own shit.

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Foxgun Tom, on 13 April 2010 - 07:05 PM, said:


A Scot who resides in England say for 20 years, kids are born there could'nt stand in an English parliement? yet the Scottish parliement has English born Msp's (just show's were' more tolerant of our southern neighbours)


Tom, be honest now, you dont LIKE it though, do you?


I find that the above comment in bold really offensive! I have no problem with English born members of the Scottish Parliement and would never personally discriminate against anyone who's not Scottish, different religeon or creed! If an English/Welsh or any person who resides in Scotland, live's in an environment that impacts on their families and children and they should always have the right to serve in the parliement of their adopted country. Every Scottish citizen no matter wether native bred or naturalized has the right to have an input at all levels!


I raised the point before: don't you find it weird and unfair that the BNP and UKIP want to to realise the potential and independence of the UK as a whole and its ok for a huge number of the public to support that, yet!!! when a large number of Scots want the same aims for Scotland "its a different kettle of fish?"



Edited by Foxgun Tom
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  On 13/04/2010 at 11:07, Swampy said:
  On 13/04/2010 at 10:30, Lizard said:

I don't really follow politics.

I've heard the phrase "Hung parliment"


Could this happen and what does it mean please?

Absolutely! There is a real chance that there could be. The first time since Callaghan I believe.

It basically means that no party has a clear majority in parliament and that it is basically power sharing.

the incumbent PM will however remain. Which means that if we do have a hung parliament (God forbid) the we'll STILL have an unelected PM. A scottish one at that!






swinging on the end of a rope ning

In theory Swampy if the 2 major parties were roughly level 24% each could the libdems form a coalition and take power?

Your reference to Callaghans hung parliament with the liberal party in the 70's did nt run its full term and another election was called within the year IIRC?

Y.I.S Leeview

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  On 13/04/2010 at 16:52, Nik_B said:

I think Labour will get in or form a coalition with Liberals. I then think the next term will see us swallowed up by the EU and then next election wont mean much at all since the EU will have total power over us. I dont see much real chance of any real change and Cameron the spineless has missed out of a few chances to win this election, namely a referendum on our membership on Europe. All we hear about are the small differences between the parties but nothing bold which is what people are looking for to single out the next government.


This is the election of nothingness and we're going to be voting for three different flavours of the same thing.


I'm voting UKIP or BNP depending on which has the most votes in my area. Of course it wont make any difference where I live as it's a full blown Liberal stronghold and always has been.




If we turned the clock back to the election when Blair got in (i cant remember the year im so weary of it all ) we could be reading the same thread with the words "labour" and "conservative" reversed.


How much longer do we stay on the merry go round, politics is like professional wrestling, all huff and puff but the outcome is part of the the same big game.


I dont know the answer, but i do know they all dance to the same tune, the one where WE pay the piper.

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I've got a good idea why don't we all argue among ourselves? IN scotland their is a good chance of getting shot off the Scottish

minister Jim Murphy in Barrhead (he's an ANTI, TEETOTAL, Non smoking Vegetarian.) He refused to meet Terriermen from Neilston IN Parliament Despite the fact that they had an apointment with him They travelled from Neilston to Westminister and he would not speak to them this was before the ban. Any one who wants to help the Prospective Parliamentary Canditate for the Tories Richard Cook, a shooting man who stood against Watson when he was trying to ban hunting, contact me by pm and I will pass on the details.

YIS :victory:

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  On 13/04/2010 at 19:59, RicW said:

Samuel Johnson once remarked that the only good thing about Scotland is the road out of it. The people eat oats. The English feed oats to their cattle.


Me? Stirrer? As if.




Well Samuel Johnson is a prick and your a shandy drinking limp wristed southern poof.



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My own feelings are this -We are told the conservatives will hold a free vote on the hunting ban ,i bet that will never happen if they get in ,just a scinical guess .They vow to tighten up our borders ,something which is out of their hands anyway and is controlled by the EU.We are obiged to take in our quota of misfits .We cannot get out the mess we are in when we are told what to do by outsiders.If everyone on here voted for one of the extremist parties it would help send a message that weve had enough big time .The hunting ban can stay as it is ,its never bothered me or anyone i know and feck all has changed but the economy is my worry and needs addressing now as does the culture sucking immigration issue .

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  On 13/04/2010 at 20:57, FightTheBan said:
  On 13/04/2010 at 19:59, RicW said:

Samuel Johnson once remarked that the only good thing about Scotland is the road out of it. The people eat oats. The English feed oats to their cattle.


Me? Stirrer? As if.




Well Samuel Johnson is a prick and your a shandy drinking limp wristed southern poof.



Trust me you are so wrong. Leaving out your assumptions I am a northern hard drinking Viking. I happen to be living down South with all the Southern Jessies but I will drink you under the table any time.




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