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who are we all voting for ?

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  On 13/04/2010 at 09:23, "Earth!" said:

conservatives are a must,lets first try get this bloody hunting ban repealed.we have our new conservative coming to the neibouring village at lunch time,needless to say i will be there.

I was there,all alone for 2 b*****d hours waiting for the twat to turn up which she didnt :censored: im f*****g tamping and am in the process of finding a contact number to ring her :censored::censored::censored::censored:

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as title says who are we voting for ? i am voting for labour.

One of the biggest problems I have a problem with is the price of fuel which I think all parties don't have the balls to deal with. Immigration is beyond a joke now, especially where I live. Not so lo

You're on a hunting forum, and you are voting labour???     FFS, I've seen it all now....   You carry on, vote for the lying, thieving, discriminating scum........ most of us have had enough

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  On 13/04/2010 at 12:45, Swampy said:
  On 13/04/2010 at 11:58, PeakOil said:
  On 13/04/2010 at 11:31, Swampy said:
  On 13/04/2010 at 11:15, PeakOil said:

Vote for New Labour t'party o t'workin man. :whistling:

Heard on the radio this AM that your time is coming Peak (about two years)


I really do get a bit saddened when I hear talk of a repeal of the hunting ban.

It is never going to happen. Count the number of tories who are pro, then count the number of labour who are pro add all of the lib dems and greens..................A free vote would result in no change.

The best we can hope for is a few ammendments which has the potential to make things worse.

Wake up and see reality. Hunting IS NOT a priority for these career politicians. the hunting act was a vehicle for "new labour" to win votes. It is not a vote winner anymore !

TBH if we don't get out of europe it wont matter in the grand scheme of things who we vote in. We will still be run from brussels by an anti British dictorate.

You have to vote for who you truely believe in. But vote you must.






ninging for a free Britain

My time for what? Foxhunting and coursing down now those with anti agendas will move on to running rabbits, ratting then snaring, trapping shooting and fishing will all eventually follow suit. The career politicians in their South East based ivory towers surrounded by yes men, minions and sycophants from the media care not a jot.


So long as they continue to feather their nests while in power and put in place further foundations for future feathering when they are out of power. Short termism, knee jerk policy and grandstanding to try and win a few more votes, being seen to be "doing something" about everything and providing bread and circuses while the undemocratic, fascist authoritarian hands of Brussels limber up for another round of choking in to submission dissenting voices.

Peak Oil = The point where maximum oil production ceases and the decline of oil reserves.......You could say that your user name could describe "The beginning of the end" !


Having read your post it would seem very apt!


Like I said. Priority for Britain is to extricate ourselves from europe.







on the decline since 1964 ning


There are far too many powerful wealthy individuals connected to the oil industry and related trading / hedging parasites for any politician to take them on imho. The proles will end up paying more and more for oil lining the pockets of wealthy elites, big business and politicians, while being spun the green myth. Thinking logically these people must wield incredible power and influence across the globe.


Why has no developed nation turned its back on oil? It is a polluting, limited resource manipulated by OPEC, traders and speculators. We rely on unstable oil rich regeimes for the vast majority of our fuel and power. For the sake of security of future energy supplies, the green argument, sustainability, technological advances and removing the volatile cost of oil from production / distribution and no longer needing to be the USAs sycophantic little lap dog licking their dirty oil backed backside when ever they want.


We could have become trailblazers in developing a stable, modern society that is not reliant on oil. Leaving the rest of the world to pay ever increasing amounts for their oil, fight wars over it and eventually sell them our non fossil fuel based technology. But as I said some fcukers somewhere are planning on bleeding the proles dry first and resisting attempts to move on towards a non fossil fuel reliant economy before they have squeezed every last financial drop out with the complicity of politicians.

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The technology is already there Peak!


I think you'll find that the intellectual rights and patents for the technology has been bought BY the oil companies.

If you consider the economy that oil supports there is no way that the oil companies would allow their life blood to become obsolete before its time.


Turkeys voting for christmas and all that.


Imagine the problems that would occur if the middle east didn't have the income from oil?

More immigrants for third world states wanting to live in the west? greater divide between the rich and the poor? More conflict globally?


The world is over populated. That is the only problem this world has.






ninging for another planet

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  On 13/04/2010 at 14:50, kirk224 said:

god they is some really low peeps on here just because i am voting for labor your saying i should not be on here grow up. :censored:

Ahhh the world of politics eh?

You started the post Kirk............you should've known that logic was not going to dictate the response.


Empathetic ning

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Talking of the moonbats of the green party.



AR413 To extend the 1911 Protection of Animals Act to protect both captive and non-captive animals from unnecessary suffering. This will be used to prohibit hunting with hounds, shooting, snaring, coursing and various other abuses of our animal population. The Green Party is fundamentally opposed to all blood-sports. We oppose the killing of, or infliction of pain or suffering upon, animals in the name of sport or leisure, and will work to end all such practices.


AR414 To amend the Firearms Act to prohibit the use and private ownership of firearms and lethal weapons, such as air rifles, crossbows, etc., except on registered premises.



Blood Sports


Despite continuing public opposition, foxes, hares, deer and mink are still hunted in England and Wales. These activities are often justified as a form of pest control, yet the truth is that hunting has little effect on populations. Furthermore, if foxes and hares are considered pests, it is difficult to understand why there is evidence that they are protected specifically for the hunt.




The Green Party would ban all hunting with hounds, coursing, shooting and snaring and would strive to promote the wellbeing of all wild creatures. We would work actively to bring about an end to angling through public education programmes.



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If you vote BNP then you are voting for a party that supports, and helps to fund the RSPCA.... :wallbash:


If you vote New Labour, then you are a poor deluded soul.


Vote for change, vote for the future, and most importantly, VOTE FOR HUNTING!

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  On 13/04/2010 at 19:00, Matt the Rat said:

If you vote BNP then you are voting for a party that supports, and helps to fund the RSPCA.... :wallbash:


If you vote New Labour, then you are a poor deluded soul.


Vote for change, vote for the future, and most importantly, VOTE FOR HUNTING!


Yes Vote for hunting with hounds, organised hunting packs, Leave the lurcher boys out in the cold.

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  On 13/04/2010 at 19:26, klashnekoff said:
  On 13/04/2010 at 19:00, Matt the Rat said:

If you vote BNP then you are voting for a party that supports, and helps to fund the RSPCA.... :wallbash:


If you vote New Labour, then you are a poor deluded soul.


Vote for change, vote for the future, and most importantly, VOTE FOR HUNTING!


Yes Vote for hunting with hounds, organised hunting packs, Leave the lurcher boys out in the cold.


Exactly right mate.c**ts.

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