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well last time out with my fantastic tx200hc 177

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hi ya everyone

well i thought i put would this up as it is the last time i go out with my tx so i went up to the golf course to see what was about but there was still alot of people still walking around so i dug in deep at my little spot with my lad brenden and settled in for an hour and sure as i put my gun down a squizzer sat up in the tree whack you know i got it and sure enough another popped up whack again i got it 2 in one go so to speak well happy with that i had a couple of pigeons to so it was a nice time out with my tx :(:( but she is going to a good home so that is all good here is the picture 333joz4.jpg:thumbs:





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Yes It's going to a good working home Shay :D Good shooting aswell mate. What sort of range do you usually shoot out to with her?


All ready got plans for a few areas. One long woods holding a few squizzers and a few guys are asking me for rabbits. I mite go looking for a few half growns for them but mite be abit early yet. I never usually post much on here about my hunting but I'll let you know how I get on :victory:

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  On 12/04/2010 at 20:02, maty j said:

Yes It's going to a good working home Shay :D Good shooting aswell mate. What sort of range do you usually shoot out to with her?


All ready got plans for a few areas. One long woods holding a few squizzers and a few guys are asking me for rabbits. I mite go looking for a few half growns for them but mite be abit early yet. I never usually post much on here about my hunting but I'll let you know how I get on :victory:

hi ya buddy

the squizzers where taken at 39mtrs lased and the pigeons were 42 and 27mtrs :thumbs: i have no problem taking vermin at these ranges with this gun or pro or any of my guns as i like to know they shoot well wayy before i use them on vermin alot of practise does alot of good :thumbs: the range on the 177 if it aint to windy i will take vermin at 50mtrs easy :thumbs: and sorry alex matey these to guns are now sold buddy if i decide to get rid of one of the others i will give you a shout matey. :thumbs: and mj this gun will take anything you point it at if it's close range you will get the pellet go straight through as i was getting with the bisley magums but using the fx in the 177 which are alot better and shot dead in the brain as that is were i take most of my shot to make sure they are dead and no suffering to them at all :thumbs: sorry if i bored you all :D



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