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If I were you I'd have a teashirt printed up with shit on the front and bollocks on the bollocks on the back, just to wear at the meet


What a laugh! some clowns who admin these sites don't live in the real world, they must sit at home in a total swear free environment or just regular church go'ers whistling.gif......


I had a simular problem on another forum and just told them to go and f**k themselves because they are a load of cock sucking tossed off wankers and a total bunch of c**ts and nothing but b*****ds, a f*****g load of shit stabbing f*****g wankers laugh.gif.....


as you can see saying naughty words like bollocks is a no no on here too tongue2.gif ....





Mods eh Jasp :whistling:



Thing is they probably have read this thread anyway :doh:




PS , oh and Gary , i think its a 3 post thing on there to stop spam , maybe why the first few were on `mod approval `

Edited by Buster321c
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so I take it they didnt take the advice I gave you to tell them mate....

a simple swear filter like I have on my site.

It automatically changes the swear word for another random word.

eg. On my site I have the word F**K changed to Donald Duck, F***ED changed to Cattle Trucked etc.

Just on the simple fact I class my site as a family site where minors (10 and under) can view posts etc


Maybe you should reitterate it back to them again mate, saves work for the mods too :thumbs:



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so I take it they didnt take the advice I gave you to tell them mate....

a simple swear filter like I have on my site.

It automatically changes the swear word for another random word.

eg. On my site I have the word F**K changed to Donald Duck, F***ED changed to Cattle Trucked etc.

Just on the simple fact I class my site as a family site where minors (10 and under) can view posts etc


Maybe you should reitterate it back to them again mate, saves work for the mods too :thumbs:



lol they dont even allow donald duck or cattle truck cos that abbervaited lol thats how crap it is mate like i said im just not gonna spend the time posting on there


atb gary

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I've just looked on there, reg'd a long long time ago, but don't think I've posted yet.


They do have a section in their rules and regs of posting and it does say they will take a Zero Tolerance to it, guess thats why they have the system set to point out any naughties.


The word's spelt like (using other carectors) B!tch, fooking, f##c or even fv<k is unaceptable on the forum.


Still each forum to their own eh?


I stick to this one, the UBC one and the one we don't mention on here :thumbs: occasionally I'll visit the bbs if a search on google comes up with a keyword on there.



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MY :censored: HEAD IN!





Where the F :censored: k you been Davy?


Seems like its been very quiet without you sticking your exploits down for us, now get posting :clapper:



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MY :censored: HEAD IN!





Where the F :censored: k you been Davy?


Seems like its been very quiet without you sticking your exploits down for us, now get posting :clapper:





hi tony

this time of year i devote all my time and effort to the AAOC,as i am going to the meet :thumbs:

and i like to chat to all the GOOD! lads on there including Colin AKA the reverend

also need to do some target shooting as well,plus im building a garden back stop and gun shed :laugh:

plus there is far to much swearing on this site!





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MY :censored: HEAD IN!





Where the F :censored: k you been Davy?


Seems like its been very quiet without you sticking your exploits down for us, now get posting :clapper:





hi tony

this time of year i devote all my time and effort to the AAOC,as i am going to the meet :thumbs:

and i like to chat to all the GOOD! lads on there including Colin AKA the reverend

also need to do some target shooting as well,plus im building a garden back stop and gun shed :laugh:

plus there is far to much swearing on this site!







:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:



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