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places to ferret

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hello lads , i was just woundering where any of use new over a place around liverpool where there is rabbit promblems because im looking for permision and i am willing to travel but just dont no where to look if you no of anywhere i would be happy to hear where.thanks anthony tomo

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Best thing u can do is go and speak to some farmers, chap there door and speak face to face. If theve got a rabbit problem they will either say yes or no. All depends is someone already ferrets it or not, but usualy if they do have rabbits they will let u ferret cause the want rid of the buggers. GOOD LUCK

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Knock on all the doors to the farms where you would expect to find rabbits, or drive around in the late afternoons and look over all of the fields, when you have found fields with rabbits knock on the farm nearest the field and go from there :thumbs:

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