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The trouble with pikeys

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I've had bother with pikeys getting on my manor recently, trying to lift the carp and trout from one of the lakes. It seems like they've been tooled up too judging by the amount of injured birds about. Needless to say I did the right thing where I could.


sending out the labrador




The pick up




The retrieve




Today was one of those days when everything went well ;)



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Aye it was a good day. One of those rare days when I was on fire with the shooting.


Those pikeys are more of a nuisance than anything. They are shite fishermen and worse with an air rifle. I blew a maggies nest up in a tree next to them with a 42g No.3 and you should have seen them run :D


You wouldn't believe the amount of geese and ducks they are injuring though :realmad:

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  • 3 years later...

Are they using air rifles or cross bows?? i was told of a cross bow bolt in one of the pens on one of the shoots i go on, but not that many feathers so .....

i would suggest you put out one of those cameas which are set off by movement. at least then you can see what they are shooting with, where and hopefully put their faces in to the police (they might get up off their arses)

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Are they using air rifles or cross bows?? i was told of a cross bow bolt in one of the pens on one of the shoots i go on, but not that many feathers so .....

i would suggest you put out one of those cameas which are set off by movement. at least then you can see what they are shooting with, where and hopefully put their faces in to the police (they might get up off their arses)



You must be kidding, mention gypsies, travellers, pikeys or whatever and they simply won't get off thier arses, no chance of a conviction so no chance of any input.


Tell 'em the local curry house is on bogof and you may get a result :blink::blink::blink::blink:

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Thats true but i dont know why anyone bothers these days...few months ago some peado tried ripping my best mate lil sister (only 3) out of his older sister arms. they rang the police and it took 6 hours for them to arrive and when the police was asked what would have happened if she got tacken they replied "Thats entirly a different matter".

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