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Ledray vs Deben Tracer

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Hi all


I'm looking to buy a gun lamp, I've had some good advise from lads on this site who recommend the Deben Tracer Atom pro.


I went off to Drapers a local airgun shop to get one. As I was talking to the chap in the shop he threw a spanner in the works by saying that the Ledray light was now much more popular amongst hunters. What do you guys think, which is best? I want it mainly for short range rabbiting.


post-49429-127081022054.jpg vs post-49429-127081041654.jpg Decisions decisions

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never used the led one mate but have heard you need to get the white one not the red or green and when you do use a filter it fairly holds back the light apparantly taking into account of weight size battery etc the led one would win hands down in my opinion if and only if the unfilterd light matched the atom ,although the atom is more than enough light for an airrifle i would imagine the led one would provide enough for an air rifle also but at the end of the day its preference but one of each side by side would be the best way to field test them

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  On 09/04/2010 at 10:56, gringo40 said:

Hi all


I'm looking to buy a gun lamp, I've had some good advise from lads on this site who recommend the Deben Tracer Atom pro.


I went off to Drapers a local airgun shop to get one. As I was talking to the chap in the shop he threw a spanner in the works by saying that the Ledray light was now much more popular amongst hunters. What do you guys think, which is best? I want it mainly for short range rabbiting.


post-49429-127081022054.jpg vs post-49429-127081041654.jpg Decisions decisions

hi ya buddy

it's a pain aint it lol but to be honest go for the tracer atom pro with the dimmer matey alot better than the rest (i think) i know they cost alot more but will do the job alot better for what you want matey :thumbs:



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i've got the deben tracre atom without the dimmer for £70 which is a bargain. it easily lights up rabbits to 100m with no filter, but struggles to push 30m with the filter which was a little dissapointing. if you can learn to put the rabbits right on the edge of the lamp beam you will not need a dimmer but having one makes lamping a whole lot easier.

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I've got the Ledray GL2 and to be honest it's great for airgun ranges at night.


As Chay mentioned, do not put a filter on them as it cuts the light down far too much. The upside of them is their weight and portability.



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I use a Deben mate with a dimmer and red and amber filter and that is really good.


I have used a Stinger as well but the battery goes really quick and needs charging after 30 mins ish.


Never used the Ledray so i cant really comment on them mate.


The good thing about the Deben with a dimmer is that you get a good range to spot rabbits at distance with in the field and then you can turn down the power to take the shot.



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i brought a ledray lamp today , it seems a good bit of kit , its so light you cant even

notice its on your gun , and you dont have to carry around a battrey pack , writen on the

box it says it lights up to 90 meters , i will be happy if it dose 70 meters ,

cheers tim

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And just to chuck a HUGE spanner into the mix for you Carl,


The one sat on my rifle, is a higher light output than the Ledray, despite it being the same basic unit :yes:

The Batteries last well over the 7 hours, it has a huge light throw when unfiltered (easilly covers my 3.5 acre permission), but using my own red filter, I can still see bunny jewels (Eyes) at 50 yards with the scope.


The unit cost me about £20 quid! including remote pressure switch and normal switch and rechargable batteries.




Also I can (and will be) buying both red and Green bulb units in the near future (so should get even better results on the field as I wont need the filter)

Edited by Phantom
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Ive had both . The Deben , Logun , ledray , blah blah blah . The trouble with gun mounted lamps , they`re heavy , and clumsy with wires that get in the way . The `torch ` type are light , easy to mount , and in my opinion easily match a gun lamp . I currently use a Surefire Lumamax L1 , not cheap , but very good . The battery , 1 , cr123 lasts a good hour on full power , and 5 hours on low power .







Each to their own , and i did have reservations on going to a torch type , but im glad i did .




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