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springers or pre-chared

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Cant make up my mind, thats why I have both :D



Same here :yes:


I love my Springer for mooching and plinking and occasionally knocking up the odd kill with her, but for serious Killing in the field I like the surgical precision of my PCP.



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i think i prefer shooting pcp for the lack of noise and extra ease of shooting but at the sametime theres more to go wrong than a springer. ive got a vmached hw97kt in .177 and it really is the business in fact i think im going to go out with it now! i think pcp has the edge for effectivness but as said springer is more gratifying to kill with

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I love the old Springers! don;t get me wrong the Pre Charge is a nice bit of kit but the springer gives me a buzz when a good shot is pulled off...


when I moved here I fished out a old Webley Vulcan and gave it a little work out! it was also in .22 but never mind it still knocked them dead and layed a few head of quarry to rest thumbs.gif ....






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i would always reccomend anyone starting out to use a springer........it will teach you how to shoot !!!


i think most of us pre-charged users still have a springer as a back up......even if it never gets much use.


i really enjoy the occasional trip out with mine, makes you think about your shots !!





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i would always reccomend anyone starting out to use a springer........it will teach you how to shoot !!!



YEP thats the way to do it :yes:


i think most of us pre-charged users still have a springer as a back up......even if it never gets much use.



Same here :yes:



i really enjoy the occasional trip out with mine,



Me too :yes: Such a great feeling to pull of a 'lights out' shot with a springer :victory:


makes you think about your shots !!




By which time of course your quarry has legged it to safety :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



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Horses for courses I reckon, but I use my trusty old HW35 (heavily modded) and love it! I'm sure I'd like a pcp too but the expense and the faffing with charging etc puts me off! maybe one day I'll go pcp but for now I reckon you just cant beat being able to pick up your gunbag and your pellets and you're ready! :)

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Hi Mooney,


My favourite rifle is a PCP i must admit, and that being my BSA R10 as it is so easy to use and make good kills with while allowing me to be shooting technique lazy.


But as for self shooting pride you cant beat the feeling of making a good kill with a springer as you know you must have done everything correct from loading the pellet to picking up the shot quarry.


As for springers my favourite is a HW97KT, ive owned the HW97K and that was mint.




The one thing I noticed about thee HW97KT is the safety you have to reach around to turn off as the thumbhole prevents you swiping it with your thumb, only bad point about it and even then its not much hassle!



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