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Back out !!!

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Thought i would go back to the same permission today and try my luck again. Now my sniping spotoday was shall we say a bit diferent . I was behind the horse shed standing on a fence that runs next to the shed . And aresting on top of the shed with quit a view :laugh: . Large connifers surround the back of the shed so this gave me added cover .


Heres the shed in the corner and the little horse paddock with a nice killing zone.




Now after scanning the paddock and waiting for a bit i was getting the impression that bugsy was`nt with the script the day :icon_eek: . Just when i was going to climb down and give the legs a stretch i spies a adult hop out from the other side of the paddock into the sheep field :o and it was a fair old way out.


Now i don`t normally like to take a shot on that i feel is out of my comfort zone but today i felt confident enough to have a go. Only thing with this scope is its not mil dot so i was roughly trying to calculate the distance . Tip of the ear was decided as the spot to aim at . Cross hairs on , steady with the breathing and with a sqeeze of the trigger the accupell was away. This was like slow bloody motion for a split second me waiting in anticapation on the the end result . Crack target hit and down buggsy went . Feck me i was well chuffed with meself :toast: .


This is me looking out into the sheep field before i saw bugsy.




This is me looking back at the shed from were bugsy dropped a whopping 50 paces exact my longest ever phew :D




To be honest i think it looks further in the photo lol.


After that i went for a bit mooch and spied 3 sqweekers sitting out munching . Well the little grass cutters were soon lying on there backs . Another 4 today and with yesterdays haul a 11 in total in 2 days not bad keeps the ferts in food .


End of day pic




Happy shooting FV :thumbs:

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