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War On Magpies Declared

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A magpie in the hand is worth two songbirds in the bush

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Little update:




It's further on than that now, not compleatly finished but it has 1 trap door on it, i've got it set up in the garden at the moment as i was advised to bait it up at all times even when not set so they get used to it, came out yesterday morning on way to work and there was three maggie on the wall taking a peak!


Touch wood they'l be a magpie in it when I get home tongight! I'm also going to ask for permission to set it up on my permission!

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Little update:




It's further on than that now, not compleatly finished but it has 1 trap door on it, i've got it set up in the garden at the moment as i was advised to bait it up at all times even when not set so they get used to it, came out yesterday morning on way to work and there was three maggie on the wall taking a peak!


Touch wood they'l be a magpie in it when I get home tongight! I'm also going to ask for permission to set it up on my permission!



Hi Lee.


Congrat's mate, what a brilliant job you've made of that :thumbs: look's very nice. :yes:


You proberbly know this anyway, but, just in case you dont......use a pice of 2x1 to set the trap, but cut it in half with the saw, then use the halves together,( Cut to Cut ) work's a treat mate :thumbs:


Good luck with it buddy.







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yeh cheers pal, i've currently got it set up with dowell as a perch cut in half - maybe 2x1 would be better as this dowell is a nuisance to set, altho it held all last night. Hopefully i'll have a guest when I get in, although the neighbours might not be best fond if it's creating all day!

Edited by Lee85
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yeh cheers pal, i've currently got it set up with dowell as a perch cut in half - maybe 2x1 would be better as this dowell is a nuisance to set, altho it held all last night. Hopefully i'll have a guest when I get in, although the neighbours might not be best fond if it's creating all day!



Nice one Lee.......nothing worse than noisey guest's :D










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Good luck! I woke up to the sound of 4 magpies going mental in one of my trees this morning trying to get at some bluetits nest.


Unfortunately there wasnt a safe backdrop so I couldnt attempt a shot at them. Ive got my eye on them tho, so as soon as they are in the right position...... bang!

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there up there with my favourites to shoot because of how hard they are to shoot, unfortuantley no magpie in my trap today but i'll keep trying, i think i'm going to stain it in a darker colour at some point aswell

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& yeh get all four of them shot, I have a plastic magpie decoy from ebay works a treat, i've had them come investigate everytime I've used it so far!


I have the same decoy, but for some reason they wont come in when they see it. I got home last night and was up my loft and I thought "hang on, i can hear magpies", so i ran downstairs with the air rifle and they were jumping around the poor bluetits nest box like mad. But again, no safe back drop so I couldnt get them.


Now they are coming in all the time, i`ll try the decoy again and see if it works.

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