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War On Magpies Declared

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Well, we had some little songbirds nesting in the ivy in our garden, we watched them build two nests and settle in, gathering bits from the garden, was good to see - my 16 month old son says 'birdie' and watches them from his high chair in the mornings and enjoys them.


Now, I came home from work yesterday and a magpie flies out of the ivy, I went over to check and theres a load of brocken egg shells with blood and no songbirds! I presume that the parents were driven away as i couldn't see any dead songbirds but unfortunatley the eggs got ate.


So it's declared - the war on magpies! Just been on ebay and bought myself a new magpie decoy and a magpie sound decoy!! It's on!



Edited by Lee85
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A magpie in the hand is worth two songbirds in the bush

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Sounds like a good idea. Im going to buy a few decoys tomorrow, set up a hide in my garden and cut open a rabbit and sit the decoys next to it and see if i can get any that way


It worked for me did that at my old house, i'm gunna set about building a Larsen trap aswell! Theres magpie galore around here and the songbirds must be taking a right kicking!

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Yeah, i've got all the timber cut today at work on my break - i'm making the one on this site following the plans, never made one before but i'm gunna give it a shot - just gotta but the springs from ebay.


I noticed it wasn't a british magpie - still an evil looking fooker mind!


Hopefully you lot will pop a few in your ends too! :gunsmilie::notworthy:

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Good luck mate. bloody magpies, thieving little nest raiders! i shoot them every chance i can get. going to make a nest out of hay and put some rubber eggs in it and place it in the tree at the bottom of my garden. they're expexting an omlette but all they going to eat is lead!


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Magpies are one of the best air rifle quarry to shoot in my opinion.


Very sneaky and will spot you a 100 metres away unless your field craft is up to it.


I wish you all the best mate, i love to smash a maggie.



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