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100 rabbits a night posible or not

Guest midnight_runner

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  TOMO said:

this is posibly another question and a hole new debate , but do you realy think there is less game about now than what there was?


i personaly think there is more than ever. yes some area's that get hit hard there will be less. but on the hole nation wide farmers, land owners are now complaining more than ever about the rising population of bunnys. and thats a good thing for us :clapper:


more likly the reason people arnt getting the same large bags as before is because they aint trying new area's or just dont have the desire to keep going on that extra hour or two.


lets be honest alot of lads 10 and 20 years ago ernt a few bob from selling game , especialy were there was large unemployment. pit area's especialy.


now a days on the hole there's more emplyment so the need to get those big big bags isnt necessary for most 15- 20 being plenty. nowt wrong in that of course, its all about getting out and enjoying yourself. but theres still a few of us that want to try and push the bounderys TOMO :)


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my mate took 49 in 1 nite.the best i have personally seen was 9 rabbits in 17 minutes and it wasnt from a rabbit pen either

and no myxie.both of these was with one dog.my dog at the moment could not take 100 in one night as its no where near fit enough.personally id rather have 10 good runs than 100 squters but thats me my dogs not capable anyway of doing 100

but if she was fit enough and i thought she could do it i might try out of curiosity

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I go around the countryside a lot, as part of my job, and as part of various activities like ringing birds with the BTO, bird watching, harrier nest watches and the odd mole job, Ive never seen so many rabbits out during the day, I sometimes think there must be no one doing rabbits now...but there are. In our hayday it was the 60`s - 70`s with longnets at night, the end of the 70`s to the mid 90`biggest numbers was with dogs and the lamp, and during these times sightings of rabbits out during the day were small..My father hunted with whippets and longnetted pre myxamatosis times, and he couldnt believe the volumes of rabbits we were catching with lurchers.


I think at present, where I live, there are just as many, if not more rabbits about.


I think it was Chalkwaren who said before about the desire to get the rabbits in big numbers, look at some of the posts on this thread, and on others about that mot hidious of crimes, taking numbers.... most people are not bothered anymore, and will settle for less in numbers and Ive never seen so many one for the pot lads, and thats fine, but why knock those would did, or do, or who like to test their dogs this way, and yes, it is a test for a dog to get anything above 20, regularly, in any geographical location. Apathy to a degree has taken over in a lot of cases, but it was that desire mentioned that drove men to breed dogs capable of 20+ rabbits in one night..

Ive always said, and wrote, that its my opinion that lamping is the single most factor that has affected the betterment of the working lurcher, but this betterment and the dogs it brought with it peaked, and is now lost forever Im affraid

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  TOMO said:
this is posibly another question and a hole new debate , but do you realy think there is less game about now than what there was?

Alot less TOMO, personally for me its because they have now built housing estates where there used to be good patches of scrubland or fields. My 2 favourite local places to mooch for rats in the last 2 yrs have been turned into a large housing estate and a business park. The feild which is now the business park was the place i caught my very 1st rat (well Molly did i did'nt)

Sad :no:


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I was once asked 'do you really need a dog that can kill 50+ rabbits in one night'? No you dont, just carry on sitting on your comfy sofa and read your lurcher books and gaze dreamily into your Mick Cawston prints...



brilliant :clapper::clapper:

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definatly less in ireland

a hell of alot more foxes but.

another question for me would be are these numbers

achieved on foot or are they achieved of the back of a pic up.truck.

some thimes i think some lads are defrostng their freezer and showing

a couple of nights lamping .not pointing the finger at any one but these

huge numbers are poping up very often. :victory:

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I've taken up 60s with 2 or 3 Salukix's two on leads and one free then alternating in north northumberland and Lauder way in my keepering days but it was all about the the amount of rabbits on the ground I could shot 300+ with the rimfire in a nite . The most I've had with one dog has been 30-40. I wish I had my Saluki bitch back then as I always run out of rabbits long for she has had enough.


I think a good Saluki at it peak certainly would certainly have the stamina for the job so long as there were enough 'green' rabbits.

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had these two the other night, still as happy as can be :)


who needs 100 bunnies?

this was only to show a pup the game, could of had more,but whats the point?each to their own i guess

what ever rocks your boat :tongue2:

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  Meerihunter said:
I've taken up 60s with 2 or 3 Salukix's two on leads and one free then alternating in north northumberland and Lauder way in my keepering days but it was all about the the amount of rabbits on the ground I could shot 300+ with the rimfire in a nite . The most I've had with one dog has been 30-40. I wish I had my Saluki bitch back then as I always run out of rabbits long for she has had enough.


I think a good Saluki at it peak certainly would certainly have the stamina for the job so long as there were enough 'green' rabbits.


Lauder area, ahh, now there was a place for bunnies, we got 3000 rabbits in 5 months from Carfraemill, all methods...but for lurchering, it was a lampers paradise

Seen a few first cross saluki greyhound first crossers from Ashington up there before the rabbit netting went in, these didnt get into the high numbers, but they did get 5 hare a day on the fens.

Would love to see salukis working matie if there is ever a chance, seen them on the blueys with the Saluki coursing club, and up Dava with the combined deerhound coursing events, but never seen them lamping..

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For a dog to take 100 rabbits in one night IMO the dog must be kept just for that job. Alot of lurchers that are used on big stuff alot seem to sicken of chasing bunnies after about 30 or 40 and you think they are tired when they start to miss rabbits. But put somthing diffrent in the beam and you will see how tired they are B) I have no doubt in my mind that 100 rabbits in one night is possible and just because theres nobody on the net thats done in recently. Doesn't mean it's not getting done every season somwere :yes: The best i have done was 83 in two hours but that was with 3 dogs we took 216 rabbits of this farm in 3 visits no record but it was good sport.

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  doxhope said:
  Meerihunter said:
I've taken up 60s with 2 or 3 Salukix's two on leads and one free then alternating in north northumberland and Lauder way in my keepering days but it was all about the the amount of rabbits on the ground I could shot 300+ with the rimfire in a nite . The most I've had with one dog has been 30-40. I wish I had my Saluki bitch back then as I always run out of rabbits long for she has had enough.


I think a good Saluki at it peak certainly would certainly have the stamina for the job so long as there were enough 'green' rabbits.


Lauder area, ahh, now there was a place for bunnies, we got 3000 rabbits in 5 months from Carfraemill, all methods...but for lurchering, it was a lampers paradise

Seen a few first cross saluki greyhound first crossers from Ashington up there before the rabbit netting went in, these didnt get into the high numbers, but they did get 5 hare a day on the fens.

Would love to see salukis working matie if there is ever a chance, seen them on the blueys with the Saluki coursing club, and up Dava with the combined deerhound coursing events, but never seen them lamping..


It certainly was when I was there, no suprise that this is where the Rabbit Drop Traps came from.


These days I'm quite happy just working my one bit of permission, plenty to keep me, the dogs and ferrets in meat. Pleny of Rabbits here just not always the easiest of places to take them.


I would love to see some other Saluki working as well, I've only ever seen my own.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Gin said:
I will tell you an area that it is more than possible,- myself and a mate were driving past the Killhope Lead mine (Alston road) towards Stanhope, at about 1.30 in the morning after doing some work for a friend. There was just a carpet of rabbits the further we got down the road, we had to slow down we were running so many over, it was dangerous to drive. I have never seen so many rabbits at one time. We had no dogs or guns with us. Anyone living in that area has it good.


Yes but they still have to be caught Gin, thats the hard part :laugh::laugh:

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  Butler said:

For a dog to take 100 rabbits in one night IMO the dog must be kept just for that job. Alot of lurchers that are used on big stuff alot seem to sicken of chasing bunnies after about 30 or 40 and you think they are tired when they start to miss rabbits. But put somthing diffrent in the beam and you will see how tired they are B)


if i had to catch 20 rabbits a night that would sicken me,,alright it can be done,but who wants to,it would be like watching paint dry,rabbiting dogs piss me off, :thumbdown:

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  alastair said:
hands up,who on this sight has personally caught 100 in a night with one dog.not heard it,seen it,if the wind was up could of.etc etc,lets see? :hmm::hmm:

agree i had 45 one night good dog good night never. seen it never will some people have good imaginations good luck

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